T4 professions are doable; treat them like PP

I’ve seen a lot of comments from FBG saying, essentially, &quotT4 professions would be a mistake because it’s more professions to write content for, and if you don’t write content for them, they don’t feel unique.&quot

I feel like there’s a clear way of solving this – handle it the same way you handle Paramount Presence by letting you keep your T3 profession item . The few special checks that require you to be a Legendary Charisma, for example, also work just fine if you’re PP; do the same thing here.

Keep doing what you’re doing right now, writing story content where your T3 profession matters. Just make it so that if you upgrade to T4, you can still access all of that. And down the road, as the frontier of new content expands outwards over time, then consider a few special morsels that require you to hit T4.

The professions aren’t at random; you don’t just happen to go from rat catcher to Glassman. They’re thematic story arcs of a sort, and as the professions move forward and have really established their place in the game with the way they interact with new endgame content, it’s best to move beyond FBG’s earlier system of losing your previous profession item when you upgrade.
edited by Televangelist on 7/7/2020

If they’re worried about higher-tier rewards they could also keep some of it to something like how ambition rewards happen with every 4 weeks (or (hopefully) slightly less).

Exactly. I can see plenty of reasons they might want to wait on T4, but there’s no reason to hold off because it might fragment the professions further; that’s entirely avoidable.

It’s not a bad idea. The T4 profession could differ from past ones by offering you an additional unique item, rather than replacing your previous one. That would allow you to add new markers without creating a conflict with existing ones.