Switching Factions

I’ve begun to regret my original choice of allies. How would I go about changing my allegiance from one Faction to another? Is it even possible?

Sorry, but so far I haven’t come across any opportunity cards or storylets that give the option to break the allegiance with your current Faction and choose another, non even fate-locked ones; perhaps more experienced Fallen Londoners have…?
I aligned with the Urchins and it doesn’t seem to either have helped or hindered me so far, are there circumstances where your Faction really comes into play?

The only places I’ve seen the faction come into play is on menace reduction cards (i.e. the Long Arm of the Law, A Restorative, a Moment’s Peace, and whatever the scandal one is) and on cards for learning from your acquaintances. Different menace reduction options unlock with different factions (and different levels of progress in the Numismatrix storyline). On the learn from your __ acquaintances cards, there is a special option that is only available if you are alligned with the faction in question. In both cases, they’re not all the same but there is an option for every faction, and it’s really a very tiny effect on gameplay.

Okay, I guess there is one other. If you are alligned with the urchins (which I am as well) there is an option under “fun with the fisher-kings” in the flit that opens up for you. I assume there are corresponding options for the other factions but oddly enough I’ve not encountered them yet.

I do hope this becomes something that affects your character and story! The possibilities are intriguing. (And I haven’t regretted my choice of faction so far!)

In response to the original question, no, sorry, I’m not aware of any way to change the faction you’re alligned with.

Factions are pretty malleable, you don’t really “join” them as much as get points with them. When you’re making your mark on Fallen London later on you will make choices that stay with you as Accomplishments, such as earning the title “Constables Pet” for helping them out with an infiltration job in the Brass Embassy. You are never restricted in your actions, and can gain as many points as you want with any faction.

There are opportunity cards that allow you to trade points in one faction for points in another, like one that allows you to lose criminal points but gain constable points. It’s small and ultimately you don’t need to but its there.
edited by Owen Wulf on 9/22/2012

I’m pretty sure she was referring to the faction you chose in the counting the days storyline, and as far as I know there is not currently a way to change it but there probably will be in the future.
edited by atheistcanuck on 9/22/2012

I did mean the Spending Secrets/Counting the Days factions; sorry, I should have made that clearer. It’s a matter of character and not of gameplay, so I suppose I’ll sit patiently and plot betrayal until change becomes possible. Thank you all for your help!
edited by caro_st_clair on 9/22/2012

[quote=Caroline St Clair]I did mean the Spending Secrets/Counting the Days factions; sorry, I should have made that clearer. It’s a matter of character and not of gameplay, so I suppose I’ll sit patiently and plot betrayal until change becomes possible. Thank you all for your help!
edited by caro_st_clair on 9/22/2012[/quote]

I should have known.

I went with the Constables myself because I was going with a Sherlock Holmes vibe (the Robert Downey Junior version) and because the Orient faction was not available. it’s not so bad, I am even invited to attend important dinners (only benefit so far). I have cause to wonder if I should not have done that. I’m torn between the evils of the Masters that the Constables serve and the criminal tendency of the Anarchists. I went with the Constables because they have done good things, they do protect people. For every bad copper you have a decent inspector. Did I help the Dockside Workers during the Strike? Yes. Do I agree with the Affluent Photographer? Yes again.

But I also believe there are problems that take an iron-shod boot and round of hot lead to solve. So I went with the boys in blue for what its worth, and I am happy so far. But I still hope they add a way to change that one of these days.

edited by Owen Wulf on 9/23/2012

I hope this becomes an option in the future. Early on, I picked the Urchin faction, but as I have played more I have flushed out my in game personality. I would like to align with the Orient or the Rubbery because I always favor them in cards that have choices.

There is a suggestion on the feedback forum [color=0000CC]here[/color] which is sort of a suggestion to allow one to switch factions, though it is worded a bit poorly.
Perhaps make a suggestion to allow one to switch factions for a mild expenditure of Nex?