Sunless Skies Quick Questions

Cosmotrains are awesome. Had I not been a lady with appearances to keep, I would have written this word in capitals. Awesome.
Just when you think this universe could not become any more weird, you are given an opportunity to fly the Heavens in a steam engine!

I have two questions, though.
First, am I correct to suppose Sunless Skies and Fallen London are like two alternative plot branches? It’s 1898 in Fallen London, and there’s no apparent movement towards the Avid Horizon. Seven years later, in Sunless Skies, all of London is already there.
My second one is about the Well of Wonders, in Eleutheria. Those who have been there, have seen the performance. There are five actors that live in the Well: the Lost Girl, the Restless Vagabond, the Runaway Scion, the Thrice-Dead Bride, and the Careless Scholar. Of these five, the Lost Girl is a reference that couldn’t have been more obvious: she has fled her old life by going down a rabbit hole. But I couldn’t recognize any of the others. On the other hand, I haven’t read that much British literature (unfortunately). So, has anyone else recognized them?
edited by Aronia on 11/28/2020
edited by Aronia on 11/29/2020

I believe Sunless Sea runs in tandem and is an alternative plot branch to FL while Sunless Skies is a potential future/sequel. Lon- I mean, Albion, would be in the middle of its 10 year building spree at this moment in its timeline.

I was at Death’s Doorstop with the FN and his bo(d)y, had the option to go further into the Kafalquade, but figured i should first look for Dead Wife on the surface, before going further in. So i went back, looked for her, and… now i can’t return to where i was, in order to continue the FN’s quest.
Is that intentional, or a bug? Am i just doing something wrong?