I haven’t seen anyone else mentioning it here, so just in case nobody noticed:
Failbetter have started published daily codes on Twitter leading up to the launch of "Sunless Skies" (same as they did with "Sunless Sea" and "Zubmariner")
As I understood it, Failbetter preferred that the codes were not shared, as they use them to see where people are following them on social media - though I could easily be thinking of other companies instead.
Thank you for reffering to FBG’s twitter. The codes seem not to be the only thing I’ve missed: They have been tweeting some delicious Correspondence Sigils since the beginning of januari!
I thought that was only for promotional stuff where access codes are linked to specific campaigns?
Anyway, I’ve changed the OP to twitter-links, just in case…
The other day, the message after following the link indicated "You now have 1 x Cloven Seal" but I don’t see it in my possessions (or as a quality under "myself" for that matter). Does anyone have this item after following the link? edited by Ulysses Kingfisher on 1/29/2019
[quote=phryne]Six codes? I find that number somewhat disappointing. :D
Are we sure there’s not a hidden seventh one?[/quote]
Oh, no, no, no. That would doom all.
Thanks for posting these!
I just wanted to mention, I’m also infrequently on twitter and it was seeing these codes here (between the story content in them and a thread I saw while I was at the FBG twitter) that got me from ‘looks really cool and will probably eventually get it’ to ‘buy Sunless Skies asap’.