Sunless Skies launch codes

I haven’t seen anyone else mentioning it here, so just in case nobody noticed:

Failbetter have started published daily codes on Twitter leading up to the launch of &quotSunless Skies&quot (same as they did with &quotSunless Sea&quot and &quotZubmariner&quot)

These have been published so far:

[ul][li]25 January:[/li][li]26 January:[/li][li]27 January:[/li][li]28 January:[/li][li]29 January:[/li][li]30 January:
(I’ll update the list as new codes are published.)
edited by rahv7 on 1/30/2019

Thanks, thats useful.

I think FBG prefers links to actual sources (the specific tweets, in this case) rather than dir3ct links to them access codes

As I understood it, Failbetter preferred that the codes were not shared, as they use them to see where people are following them on social media - though I could easily be thinking of other companies instead.

Thanks! Haven’t used Twitter in a while, so didn’t notice these at all! :)

Thank you for reffering to FBG’s twitter. The codes seem not to be the only thing I’ve missed: They have been tweeting some delicious Correspondence Sigils since the beginning of januari!

I thought that was only for promotional stuff where access codes are linked to specific campaigns?
Anyway, I’ve changed the OP to twitter-links, just in case…

Yes, they prefer links to the original. I got them on facebook, where it is easy to find the sigils in an album dedicated to them.

Here is today’s:

The other day, the message after following the link indicated &quotYou now have 1 x Cloven Seal&quot but I don’t see it in my possessions (or as a quality under &quotmyself&quot for that matter). Does anyone have this item after following the link?
edited by Ulysses Kingfisher on 1/29/2019

It’s a weapon ;)

And so it is! Thanks!

Six codes? I find that number somewhat disappointing. :D
Are we sure there’s not a hidden seventh one?

[quote=phryne]Six codes? I find that number somewhat disappointing. :D
Are we sure there’s not a hidden seventh one?[/quote]
Oh, no, no, no. That would doom all.

I was also expecting a seventh code on launch day. But sadly I couldn’t find anything…

Thanks for posting these!
I just wanted to mention, I’m also infrequently on twitter and it was seeing these codes here (between the story content in them and a thread I saw while I was at the FBG twitter) that got me from ‘looks really cool and will probably eventually get it’ to ‘buy Sunless Skies asap’.

Nothing to do with Sunless Skies this time, but FB have released another access code!

For those who can’t find it, the scones are a +5 Persuasive, +1 Respectable weapon.

The scones don’t seem to want to equip for me. We’ve had this happen in the past with new items from events. I trust it will be fixed, by and by.

Sweet! Thank you, FBG!!!


Missed the scones one in the past, so thank you – worked for me.