Sunless Skies is Now Available in Early Access

[color=#CC0099]Sunless Skies is now live on Early Access and Games in Development![/color] Find all the details on Kickstarter - including a new trailer!
edited by Absintheuse on 8/30/2017

Where can we post our suggestion on game improvement?

I’ve launched the game and instantly noticed that:

  1. There is no way to skip logo and disclaimer.
  2. There is no hotkeys in main menu (like ESC to close sub-menu)
  3. Game starts in window mode even after i turn on fullscreen mode in menu.
    edited by Waterpls on 8/30/2017

[color=#cc0099]Please first check our Known Issues, then our How to Report a Bug page, and then please send any bugs or feedback to - thank you![/color]