Strong-Backed Labor

I’m too lazy to do the calculations myself…can someone tell me if it’s cheaper to hire Strong-Backed Labor from Clay Men or just to do it in the Sidestreets? Thanks!

According to the wiki it costs 13.50 echoes in the Sidestreets and 10 echoes worth of various items in the Clay Quarters.

But buying it in the Clay Quarters also affects your Quirks, I think. It increases your Ruthless, or decreases your Magnanimous, or both.

Thank you!

I use the Wilmot’s end carousel to get 4 strong backed labour. It’s a nice quick one to do. You start at 2, skip from 3 to four and then a few successful actions on 4 gets you dramatic tension. Repeat another 4 times.

That’s a crap-load of Actions that are spent on the carousel though - that’s a lot of opportunity costs.

With a high success rate (and exceptional friend) it’s quick and doesn’t cost echoes or items. The main risk is menaces.

On a good run it’s around 12 actions per loop.

On a good run it’s around 12 actions per loop.[/quote]
You mean 11 AP for 1 SBL which is terrible. For future references you can use this wiki page for PoSI items.

For clarity: You get 4 Strong-Backed Labor each time, but you have to complete the carousel four times to get them, which is where Skinnyman’s getting his numbers.
edited by Siankan on 4/13/2017

On a good run it’s around 12 actions per loop.[/quote]
You mean 11 AP for 1 SBL which is terrible. For future references you can use this wiki page for PoSI items.[/quote]

I get 4 SBL. It’s not listed on the wikia as a source though.

You get 4 SBL for the full Wilmot’s End carousel, which is 44 actions. So 11 actions per SBL. Which is indeed not a good ratio.

Since you can just buy one SBL for 13.5 echoes, you should ask yourself if you can earn at least 13.5 echoes in 11 actions. If so, then the Wilmot’s End carousel is a terrible choice.

Also: where do you see this missing on the wiki as a source for SBL?
edited by dov on 4/13/2017

You get 4 SBL for the full Wilmot’s End carousel, which is 44 actions. So 11 actions per SBL. Which is indeed not a good ratio.

Since you can just buy one SBL for 13.5 echoes, you should ask yourself if you can earn at least 13.5 echoes in 11 actions. If so, then the Wilmot’s End carousel is a terrible choice.

Also: where do you see this missing on the wiki as a source for SBL?
edited by dov on 4/13/2017[/quote]

I apologise for my terrible choice (and poor maths). It was not intended to confound or mislead. My poor decision and wasteful action is driven more by poverty as I sold most of my revenue generating items to enter the Cave of the Nadir. Please OP disregard my advice and stick to people who know of what they speak rather than enthusiastic but misinformed amateurs like myself.

It’s not listed on but I see that is listed on the main entry

But it is listed on the Sources page. The action’s name is &quotA friendly gesture&quot.

I stand corrected.

respectfully withdraws

How is 11 AP for a 13.5E item &quotterrible&quot? If an early POSI player (and those are most likely to need SBL) averages around 1 EPA on a good day?

Not everyone is at endgame with capped stats. Most people needing SBL barely have stats for Wilmot’s End - and that is by creators’ design. That does not make their experience invalid or awful - they are playing the game as intended. They might even (gasp!) enjoy playing it.

Yes, you can grind second chances for stats, grind AotB for cash and skip the rest. It’s a valid choice. But not the only valid one.

If your stats are good enough to do the Wilmot’s End carousel in 11 actions per cycle, then you can probably easily get more than 1 echo per action.

If you’re a new POSI then you’ll probably need more actions for the carousel anyway.

When I was starting the game I got my strong backed labour from the Acacia and the Butterfly. Probably not the most economical action. (EDIT: Though more economical back in the day then now. Previously you’d get 4 SBL for 500 CP of the widow, which is still awful, but not as bad as these days)
edited by Kaijyuu on 4/13/2017

I used to pick the compromise solution option in that conflict card, but this was back when the conflict card for Urchins and the Widow was a viable method to raise Widow’s connection economically.

Now, the actions which are needed to raise Widow CP are just too many.

You might as well just buy Strong-Backed Labour from the Bazaar Sidestreets, or from the Clayman Quarters if you already have the resources.
edited by Rostygold on 4/14/2017