StoryNexus alternative?

Hello to everyone!

StoryNexus was a very convenient platform for me, because it requires no coding and at the same time allows to create a complex structure of dialogues, items and images. I wander if there is a similar platform that we can use, now that StoryNexus is on maintenance.
I was looking for Renpy, but it seems to be more suited for visual novels with just dialogues, if I am not mistaken. Can somebody advise me a good alternative?
edited by Loin on 1/9/2018

Twine is quite simple, but requires no coding experience and with a little creativity, it gets the job done. And of course, Quest, which also conveniently offers a place to host your newly made game.
edited by gronostaj on 1/4/2018

Thank you for your help! Twine looks the most promising.