Storylet Screen-Bug?

Terribly sorry if this has come up before and I just missed it in the known issues page, but I fear I may have run into a game-breaking bug.

Right now, I’m stuck in a storylet screen with no input options. I can’t close it, access any of the side-bar functions, leave port, or interact with it in any way. It may be that my only option is to scrap the lineage entirely.

I’m playing on the backer’s build. The storylet in question is the Song of the Sky, in New Winchester. Without spoilers, I was going through options to see if I had met the requirements for the second canto, and then this happened.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been at this lineage for about 20 hours now, and I’d hate to lose it all.

[color=#e53e00]This is me. I broke it. :(

Sorry! It’s fixed for the launch build so it won’t happen to anyone after that, but I’ll need to unbreak your saves so you can progress. PLEASE email them to me:[/color]

[quote=Erathvael]Terribly sorry if this has come up before and I just missed it in the known issues page, but I fear I may have run into a game-breaking bug.

Right now, I’m stuck in a storylet screen with no input options. I can’t close it, access any of the side-bar functions, leave port, or interact with it in any way. It may be that my only option is to scrap the lineage entirely.

I’m playing on the backer’s build. The storylet in question is the Song of the Sky, in New Winchester. Without spoilers, I was going through options to see if I had met the requirements for the second canto, and then this happened.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been at this lineage for about 20 hours now, and I’d hate to lose it all.[/quote]