Soulless Downsides

Xane has risen greatly through the ranks of hell, and somehow has achieved an &quotAn Intimate of Devils&quot quality of seventeen without having his soul forcibly removed from his body. What he would like to know is this: what are the downsides to not having a soul? What actions does it lock you out of? What new actions does it unlock?

As Summerset folk are rather bigoted, I recall that having a soul or not influences whether you are able to attend Summerset College’s feast at the University (if you are still involved in running the Terms there.) It hasn’t quite hindered my progress in any way otherwise… I don’t think that’s something very big to miss out on, but correct me if I’m wrong.

Oh, and you get a pretty delicious option on the Capering Relicker card without a soul. (I miss that option…)

Also, note that there are options for getting your soul back. My character has followed through with one of them. However, none of them are very convenient. Some involve Fate. Either that, or one should prove very lucky with Surprise Packages.
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/23/2015
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/23/2015

Specifically you get your soul back through a Bundle of Oddities with value 200. Surprise packages go up to 1008 so can provide greater rewards but are not very reliable. The easier persuasive check on the Your Public card is the best repeatable way I know of, on success giving a Bundle with values up to 220.

If the wiki says that Bundle range is 1-200 then it almost certainly is. I mostly get my information of the wiki so any discrepancies are due to poor memory.

…wait, you can get your soul back through expeditions? Or are you confusing the Unpredictable Treasure quality with Opening a Bundle of Oddities?
edited by Optimatum on 11/24/2015

A couple of things to add- the Hoist the Black Flag option does raise menaces, so you will have to spend some time getting your suspicion back down after doing that a bunch of times.
Also, one option missing from the above list is “Wolfstack in the Fog”, drawn only in Wolfstack Docks. Its options are Airs dependent, but if “Crying His Wares” is available, click through there and use “A Little Extortion”. Small drop in Docks, and a bundle with range 1-300.

Wolfstack in the Fog is a Rare card if I remember right so it’s not at all reliable. So not only do you need to draw this special card but you need the right airs value for that option which gives a bundle with a lower chance of getting your soul.

There are also definitely better places to camp for rare cards. Skin of the Bazaar in the Sidestreets can raise SotC pretty high or finish SFiG; Ladybones, Spite, and Veilgarden have rare cards that give you a unique pet; the Lodgings has a fairly profitable card. Not to mention the common profitable location-specific cards such as trading in favors in the Flit.

Wolfstack in the Fog is a Standard frequency card. The two Rare cards in Wolfstack Docks are Bonfire of the Decencies and The battle hymn of the Drownies.

Seeing as there’s still a little time left till Christmas, should I sell my soul using the intimate of devils route so they never bother me again? Or do I wait to draw the special Sacksmas option to get night whispers and storm threnodies instead? Will this latter option also remove the pesky devils who cross into my personal space?

It’s up to you. Selling your soul to another devil will certainly be more profitable than selling it to the Intimate Devils, but you’ll continue to receive the Intimate Devil cards once you’ve reclaimed your soul. If you’re already intimate you’ll probably draw a card during your soulless period that will reset your Intimate of Devils quality to 0, so it could be an easy way to get that down if it’s up there, but unless you then tank your Hell connections you’ll still get the first card that starts the whole thing off.

So no matter what you do, the card that starts off the whole Intimate of Devils storyline will always be there? I was under the impression from somewhere else in the forum that if you lose your soul on that route, they will never want to be intimate with you again. But only if you sell your soul through the route, and not using the other cards. Now that you say that they will always hound you, I’m don’t think I’ll even bother.

Oh, no no no - I mean that if you sell it to other devils they’ll always come back after you get your soul back. If you sell it to the Intimate Devils they’ll never come back - you’ll hit 20 Intimate of Devils and that’s the end of the storyline. The card I mentioned only shows up if your Intimate of Devils quality is lower than 20 while soulless.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/25/2015

Ever since that beguiling S-o-B took half my stash of souls to show me a way into the Forgotten Quarter only to leave me there without skills or supplies, I have learned not to trust devils…

OK, so my goal is to sell my soul for the highest price possible (am assuming that that would be for the night whisper/storm threnody package), AND for them to quit bothering me about getting intimate with them. So the best solution is to lose my soul twice? I.e. cash it in once for NW/ST, regain it and keep drawing the intimates card, then lose it again just to get rid of them. I was hoping to only lose my soul once since I haven’t finished the university storyline yet.

[quote=Sara Hysaro]Oh, no no no - I mean that if you sell it to other devils they’ll always come back after you get your soul back. If you sell it to the Intimate Devils they’ll never come back - you’ll hit 20 Intimate of Devils and that’s the end of the storyline. The card I mentioned only shows up if your Intimate of Devils quality is lower than 20 while soulless.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/25/2015[/quote]

You can’t have both results with only one soul sale, alas. Either you sell it for a good price or you sell it to the Intimate Devils to get rid of them for good. Can’t do both without losing your soul twice. Personally I would just go for the good price if you’re not already heavily involved with the Intimate Devils since getting rid of the first card just requires you to keep your Hell connection under 3.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/26/2015

Thank you, Sara!

I’m a collector and keep all my connections at 50 and above (not sure why though!), so I’ll just have to sell my soul again later to get rid of them. I can’t believe how cavalier I’m being about it now, seeing as I’ve been hanging on so tight to it till now. This is so true to my mercenary lawful neutral soul.

[quote=Sara Hysaro]You can’t have both results with only one soul sale, alas. Either you sell it for a good price or you sell it to the Intimate Devils to get rid of them for good. Can’t do both without losing your soul twice. Personally I would just go for the good price if you’re not already heavily involved with the Intimate Devils since getting rid of the first card just requires you to keep your Hell connection under 3.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/26/2015[/quote]