Soul Problems - Recovering your Soul

I plan to take notes and figure the average profitability of soul selling as a Posi and regaining it through the fisher kings. Since I’m going to sell my soul over 300 times (cider, ho!) i should have a statistically significant sample size. The only limiting factor so far is drawing the card to sell my soul. Anyone know if it shows up more in one area than in others.

Presumably it’ll show up a tiny bit more regularly in areas that don’t have unique cards. I believe that’s Labyrinth of Tigers and Side Streets (although you can draw Skin of the Bazaar in the latter). And maybe the Forgotten Quarter? That’s off the top of my head, I’m sure someone out there has a more precise answer.

Mahogany Hall doesn’t have any location specific cards if you’re sufficiently far enough into the Wars of Illusion. Oh, and Wilmot’s End doesn’t have any either.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 1/23/2015

WormApotheote is absolutely correct that I neglected to include the value of what you actually accumulate during those actions by opening bundles. Their numbers are better.

Soul Problems seem to be affecting me in particular at the moment. THREE Starvelling Cats, and yet Jass still lacks her soul. Two are counted for, but I’m willing to rehome the third to some unfortunate soul.

Looks like we have a future Seeker. :D Sent.