Someone Got Bored And Did Something For All Of You

[quote=Cecil Palmer]… M_____'s B____ have to be ground up from 1562.5 echoes of the base item. [/quote]I’m afraid it’s a bit more expensive than that, as you need to spend seven Airags for each Tears of the Bazaar, instead of the five they’re valued at when selling them. And with the bonus ‘lagniappe’ being reduced when trading in Cellars of Wine for an Airag, that’s 70 unrewarded Actions if you’re getting 35 of them. Which is enough for at least another Airag. And don’t get me started on the Notability cost.

(Just let me point out that it has made me not care for higher Notability, because each higher level is more difficult to get than the last, but they all count for the same when used as currency. Which means that my salon goes unused, as there just isn’t any point to attaining the higher levels it would be needed for.)

Well if we’re adding in actions taken to convert things upwards there’s a rather significant loss on pretty much all counts.

At least those 70 actions net you SOMETHING, a deal of mass conversions net you next to nothing.

Well, the tier 1 to 2 mass conversions do give the same ‘next to nothing’ 50 pence that the Cellar of Wine-to-Fourth City Airag does (6 x 25 pence in 3 Actions). But the tier 2 to 3 mass conversions give 250 pence, which is very good. And the higher tier conversions give enough high value rare successes to be worth doing just for the increased wealth. In my book, anything that’s better than or at least comparable to a regular grind Action isn’t ‘next to nothing’.

[quote=Cecil Palmer]And by bored I mean it had been bugging me SO MUCH.
But yes, a nice little gift for all of you. Check out the wikidot once more!
This page in specific.[/quote]

thanks. i still refer to that table sometimes but only for the &quotside-way&quot conversions.

Aha! Thank you, Cecil.