London, and maybe a couple other ports, should have a warehouse where players can store excess cargo for a fee.
Are the guns supposed to fire as fast as you can click the mouse? I’ve "machine gunned" the biggest Zee monsters, and I do mean the biggest one, in a matter of seconds this way.
All ship classes should be able to equip non-weapon equipment to the "aft" slot, e.g., concealed/secure compartments on a Ligeia class steamer.
Zong of the Zee is not so great that it should need to take up an equipment slot; given it’s cost/benefit, it should be a quality that permanently boosts your stats. Although, I get a laugh imagining Zee captains sailing around blasting the Zong of the Zee on giant, shipboard Gramophones.
The Merchant Cruiser appears very small on the map compared to the other ships despite having the same displacement (weight) as the Dreadnaught, the largest cargo hold in the game, and being described as a "ponderous, capacious vessel." It looks more lithe and nimble than ponderous and capacious. Also, "Dreadnaught" should be spelled "Dreadnought." "Dreadnaught" is apparently an experimental rock band.
edited by Jascob on 2/18/2015