Some questions about Life of Luxury & Legacies

So, I’m thinking of retiring to a Life of Luxury and starting up a Scion who wants to write the Song of the Zee.

How does the &quotretire to a life of luxury&quot legacy calculate cash, if you choose one of the money legacies? Does your scion get 1/2 of your cash, including the 15000 luxury stake?

Secondly, I know lodgings and heirlooms get inherited if you have an ironclad will, and someone mentioned that Song of the Zee also gets passed on. Are there any other items that currently get passed on?

Song of the Zee doesn’t get passed on.

The Horizon Codex is part of your legacy and apparently there is an Easter Egg legacy possible from one ending of Sphinxstone but I don’t know if anyone has found that yet.
When you retire you can choose to take half of a stat and the relevant bonus - cash for mirrors or veils, officer (hearts), weapon (iron) or chart (pages). If you have a Scion you can take two.
edited by reveurciel on 12/19/2014

The retirement fund does not transfer over, only the money that you have already saved up, if you’re going to do the retirement option, you’re best to sell everything up, guns, engines and goods, then get rid of your ship to generate more money by getting something cheaper (If there’s trade in money to be had) and then going from there. The problem for me on the last save was that I lost the scion before the end of the game

Unless it’s been changed in the most recent patch, the retirement fund is not consumed. I chose to retire with 16000 echoes, gave my scion veils and mirrors for 100% cash inheritance, and started with the 16000, not 1000 as would be the case if it ate the 15000.

Unless it’s been changed in the most recent patch, the retirement fund is not consumed. I chose to retire with 16000 echoes, gave my scion veils and mirrors for 100% cash inheritance, and started with the 16000, not 1000 as would be the case if it ate the 15000.[/quote]

The retirement fund is not transferred, the cash you have on hand (part of which is the retirement fund) is transferred over if you choose those options, but unless you pick those options specifically, you get nothing…

Thanks all. I knew you had to pick a cash-based legacy to get any of that, and it’s great to know that they DO stack, I was curious about that as well.

One more question: what is the Horizon Codex? Was it a kickstarter thing?

The Horizon Codes is definitely not Kickstarter. It is an in-game legacy available to anyone who completes a certain story. you have to take the Merchant Venturer North