Solving Cases and Compilation of Case-Notes

I think I’m overlooking something blatantly obvious, but I can’t find a way to solve cases in Ladybones’.
Any help there?

London better be prepared for my Shakespearesque Classic.

Cases are usually a 1 time thing. If you’ve done them already, you can’t do them again. If there are some that you haven’t completed, they should appear in &quotwork with the honey addled detective&quot in Ladybones. If you’ve done them all, the only thing that will appear will be the case of the other waxwork, which is still Impossible!.
Oh hey, I didn’t ever do the case of the starving poet on this account. Hmm.

Thank you Pumpkinhead!
I feared it would be so, but hoped otherwise. I’ll have to find other means to write my story classic.

[quote=GeorgeEarlslight]Thank you Pumpkinhead!
I feared it would be so, but hoped otherwise. I’ll have to find other means to write my story classic.[/quote]

But remember that last july we were able to repeat the election investigation and grind case notes, we will most likely be able to do this again next july.

Do the cases on the calling cards lead to case notes too?

Afraid not.

Without any repeatable sources of case notes available, the best way to write a Classic Short Story on average is to use two Trade Secrets and attempt the challenge with a Potential of 211. This can be done by getting the Potential to exactly 149 before using a Blackmail Material, bringing the Potential to 161 before the Trade Secrets. I don’t have the math on hand but iirc the bare minimum approach uses the fewest Trade Secrets on average, and it’s incredibly unlikely (i.e. a fraction of a percent) for that approach to use more than the guaranteeing approach with six TS.