Social Questions

So perhaps these questions have easy answers, but I have yet to find them and was hoping for some help or guidance.

The first is how do I find a list of my friends within Fallen London outside of the difficult to find and mostly useless list on the Account Settings page? It’s unintuitive to navigate there and doesn’t even allow the basic functionality of viewing my friends’ profiles within whatever Storynexus games they might be playing.

Is there a way to send my contacts messages outside of the many-click ordeal that is returning to my lodgings, finding the one correct story selection, and then choosing the correct action within that?

Lastly, is there a way to reach the forums from the Story pages themselves?

Maybe all of these questions more appropriately belong under feedback… but I genuinely hope that this is just a case of me being inattentive to the UI of the Fallen London. If indeed I have not misunderstood things, please move this to Feedback, as they are issues that from my perspective would vastly improve my enjoyment of the game and my ability to easily interact with my friends within it.

The forums have a link from the help tab ingame, by the quotation mark.

There’s no chat utility in Fallen London as of yet, but there’s an IRC channel. (<~ click for the web client) (I assume it’s the lodgings-write a letter to a friend-option you’re referring to?)

Friend lists are, quite right, rather lacking atm.
edited by Aximillio on 10/27/2014