Social action location restrictions

Something curious happened to me recently: while I was in the moonlit chessboard in Parabola, I received an invitation from an acquaintance for tea at Beatrice’s and was able to accept it while still in that location. I did not think that was possible, which makes me wonder if there is a list or guide somewhere that shows what locations restrict someone from receiving and responding to certain social actions. Does anyone know of such a guide, or have any information on what areas restrict social actions?

I know that the Laboratory and the upper river areas were restricted locations, but that this was changed recently in a patch. I have heard that the Rat Market does, however, restrict social actions. What about areas such as the Bone Market, Flute Street, the Finishing School, menace locations, zee locations, the new areas from the Great Sink event, etc?

There seem to be at least two different types of social actions in terms of where they are available, broad and narrow.

I can send a Beatrice invitation to others when they are in the Bone Market, Rat Market, Great Sink areas, Parabola, Upper River, when travelling across the zee, and in Mutton Island. So this would be broad.

The &quotNurse a friend back to health&quot, however, doesn’t work in the zee locations, the Rat market, Upper River, or Parabola (still available in the Bone Market and Great Sink). Which is much narrower.

I think the division may be between the newer and the older social actions (I could not send the Neath’s mysteries invitation to a character in Arbor), but I’m not sure.

I would be interested to know about the menace locations and how they would interact with the broadly available social actions, as well as which social actions fit in which category. Postcards and other Epistolary social actions seem to be broadly accessible, but I haven’t checked all of them.
edited by menaulon on 2/21/2022

[quote=menaulon]I think the division may be between the newer and the older social actions (I could not send the Neath’s mysteries invitation to a character in Arbor), but I’m not sure.[/quote] Very interesting – I suspect you are right about the division between older and newer social actions, especially since the new Epistolary Matters actions were introduced. It sounds to me like the restrictions on older social actions are due for an overhaul to make them more &quotbroad&quot, hopefully in a future patch.

At seems that being dead is no longer a barrier to at least some social actions:

So the new social actions are probably available everywhere.

I would welcome making the older social actions broader, but I’m not sure Failbetter would want us to be able to get menace reductions through social actions while in a menace area (although this is kind of already the case with Beatrice’s).