So Where Did We Fall On...

Playing the game again at lunchtime after a bit of an absence, there are a couple of outstanding issues that I know were posted about here in the past that are still very… outstanding. I might have missed some comment about them over the last few months, and even if I haven’t I’m certainly not demanding concrete answers (games take time, and obviously change through development) but a nod in their general direction from Fuzz (or anyone else at Failbetter, obviously) would be much appreciated. Are they going to be addressed in the future, never addressed, being addressed, etc.

Just from playing again today, the ones that stand out are…

  • Having your sovereigns clear and easy to read somewhere on the shops tabs.
  • Having specific exchanges/comments for the port reports, rather than a generic catch-all.
  • More noses!

And one that might not have been raised before, but that surprised me a little…

  • Stats for the different locomotives on the purchase screen.

Hull and crew are good, but what about speed and weight? Are they there, but I just missed them? Are the locomotives all the same speed? Does weight still factor in?

Anyway, thanks in advance for any comment.

as far as i’m aware, speed and weight are not mechanics that exist anymore. Or at least, haven’t been re-added. If they do exist, they’re quite hidden with no way to view nor affect them. There’s no engine slot or any such thing
One thing i can say is that the Bedivere is considerably larger than other trains. it’s not mentioned at all in the store, quite a pleasant surprise

Sovereigns are still not shown in store tabs i’m afraid, despite a UI update in the procgen beta.

Port reports are still handed in all at once, ive not heard any indication that this would change though. Maybe they thought it wasn’t fun to see the same conversation every time? you will end up visiting each port a looot

Thanks for the reply, Nanako! A shame about the weight and speed, I enjoyed balancing those out in Seas. The Bedivere sounds interesting though - have you noticed any control differences between it and the smaller locomotives?

As for port reports, I feel an individual and group hand in option would be best. Mostly I think I just miss the old admiral.

darn i was sure i replied to this

switching back and forth today, i noticed that there is a MASSIVE difference in handling between the bedivere and smaller trains. I was comparing it with the pellinore, which looks like a chunky cargo ship, but is in fact relatively small. Its a lot faster and easier to turn

the bedivere is double the area of the other trains, and it shows. turning takes ages, and so does acceleration. You can’t really turn in combat and end up waiting for enemies to orbit around infront of you instead
i like it honestly. But its 75 health isnt really enough for such a ponderous beast, it needs more toughness than it has.

Ive switched back to the pellinore more or less full time, and i’m actually doing better in combat with it, despite the mere 25 hull points. simply because its agile enough to avoid hits

[quote=A Parliament of Hounds]Playing the game again at lunchtime after a bit of an absence, there are a couple of outstanding issues that I know were posted about here in the past that are still very… outstanding. I might have missed some comment about them over the last few months, and even if I haven’t I’m certainly not demanding concrete answers (games take time, and obviously change through development) but a nod in their general direction from Fuzz (or anyone else at Failbetter, obviously) would be much appreciated. Are they going to be addressed in the future, never addressed, being addressed, etc.

Just from playing again today, the ones that stand out are…

  • Having your sovereigns clear and easy to read somewhere on the shops tabs.
  • Having specific exchanges/comments for the port reports, rather than a generic catch-all.
  • More noses!

And one that might not have been raised before, but that surprised me a little…

  • Stats for the different locomotives on the purchase screen.

Hull and crew are good, but what about speed and weight? Are they there, but I just missed them? Are the locomotives all the same speed? Does weight still factor in?

Anyway, thanks in advance for any comment.[/quote]

[color=#6666ff]Well Nanako has pretty much already answered this but I’m here with a few rough dates for things:

[/color][ul][li][color=#6666ff]Sovereigns on shop and Bazaar interfaces are coming in January’s update. Wahoo![/color][/li][li][color=#6666ff]I really don’t think this is something we are going to change, there are no plans that I know of, however this is certainly something that has been raised by a few players and is on our feedback spreadsheet. I can make no promises but you have my word it will be raised with our writing team and give it thought. [/color][/li][li][color=#6666ff]More noses will definitely be coming, along with many other extra profile features, though the tweaks to character creation are probably not going to come until much further down the line in development (close to launch I’d imagine). Our artists are hammered at the moment with all the Albion art and starting with a bit of Eleutheria. [/color][/li][li][color=#6666ff]Yup, there’s no stats. Speed and weight are not a thing, at least not a deliberate thing. We’ve not programmed the locomotives to be different to one another but the Unity engine does automatically handle them differently because of their size differences and where we place their strafe and turning points. You’ve probably had time to check them out now, but take some of them for a whirl when you get the chance. The Bedivere really does have a big butt and it handles very differently around corners to the Spatchcock for example. There are no current plans to make tweaks to these aspects, however we might look at things like this after we release out combat and movement changes in February. Also more locomotives will be on the way after Albion is launched too. [/color][/li][/ul]

[color=rgb(102, 102, 255)]
[color=rgb(102, 102, 255)]Yes, it’s quite a shock when you first purchase one and close the interface isn’t it. Boom! Hello![/color]

Thanks for the feedback, Fuzz! Great to hear about the sovereigns (and the noses), and having tried a few locomotives now I can see what you mean about the difference in handling - it may not be a stat-change, but it certainly does affect things. A pity about the port report dialogue though - I understand it may seem a low priority, but I do hope it gets changed. It’s just a little bit of flavour I guess I was used to.