
Good afternoon, delicious friends - longtime lurker, first time poster. I come to you for advice.

I’ve been playing for about a year now, and am starting to feel that I’ve hit a lot of content boundaries. I’ve pushed my Ambition as far as it will go (the fact that these continue to remain unfinished saddens me so much). I’ve solved the Jack-of-Smiles case. I’ve made my name in all four disciplines (am at or very near 200 in all of them, except Dangerous, which is 170). I have a newspaper, I’ve been to the Cave of the Nadir, I’m married, been a Governor. I’ve solved the Affair of the Box, won the Battle of Wolfstack, Zailed the Zee on multiple journeys of Scientific Discovery, Dealt with the Plaster Face, and been to Polythreme. I have an Orphanage, and have hunted beasts for the Labyrinth of Tigers.

In terms of Fate expenditure, I’ve been to Flute Street and bred the Hound of Heaven for the Bishop of Southwark. I even decided to back his plan, but I guess you only see the results of that through a Destiny?

Anyway, I’m asking myself the title question of this thread - now what? Where can I go to find something new and interesting to read and do? Should I start grinding for an Overgoat? Have I missed any of the free content, or should I start turning to buying fate? If so, what stories are your favorites? I’m particularly keen to learn more of the lore - stuff about the nature of the Bazaar and the Masters, the Correspondence, the Empress, etc.

Any guidance or personal preferences you can provide will be much appreciated.
edited by Gergerous on 3/1/2017

Have you visited the mind of a dead god?

No - how do I go about it?

You need to raise your Stormy dream pretty high (level 18) and you will get a card which will give you Stormy eyed and reset your Storm dream. After thant you’ll have to raise both quality high enough and you’ll get this story. To get Stormy Eyed to level 19 you’ll need to do Mutton Island carousels a few times. Beware that the story which will take you to The Mind of a Long-Dead God doesn’t have a back button! Once you clicked, you can’t reconsider.

There was a similar thread few days ago and you can always go Seeking to destroy your character or here’s an achievement list Arandia and I made. Plenty to keep you busy for a few years down here! RP is the best and most important part of FL!

You need to raise your Stormy dream pretty high (level 18) and you will get a card which will give you Stormy eyed and reset your Storm dream. After thant you’ll have to raise both quality high enough and you’ll get this story. To get Stormy Eyed to level 19 you’ll need to do Mutton Island carousels a few times. Beware that the story which will take you to The Mind of a Long-Dead God doesn’t have a back button! Once you clicked, you can’t reconsider.

There was a similar thread few days ago and you can always go Seeking to destroy your character or here’s an achievement list Arandia and I made. Plenty to keep you busy for a few years down here! RP is the best and most important part of FL![/quote]

Awesome, thank you! I just recently got the card to make myself Stormy Eyed, so I’ll investigate Mutton Island. I like the look of the Achievement list, but it looks like aside from the gathering of the really expensive items and the Fate/Exceptional Story stuff, I’ve done a lot of that (is the Temple Club the same as the Dilmun Club?)…though not Ambition: Enigma (will I have to cancel Light Fingers to do that?) or Scholar of the Correspondence 21 (good heavens, 21?!). My main interest is content, rather than the collection of shinies, so that’s primarily what I’m after.

No, the Temple Club is something entirely different. Permanent access to the Temple Club is something restricted to backers of the Silver Tree Kickstarter, IIRC, though non-backers can get temporary invitations from those who have permanent access. (I was a backer of the Silver Tree kickstarter, so I can give you an invitation if you want)

I would definitely recommend looking at the Spoiler-Free Fate Guide. Be sure to look at the images in both page 2 and page 3 of the thread.

In terms of free content, you’ve hit the big ones. There’s quite a lot of content behind SMEN, but it’s… terribly unwise.

Oh, do not worry, delicious friend. If it is, as it was, you may start it,
and have Your olden Ambition left as it is, untouched (or, ah, in a
state of some progression).
But it definitely is no help at all to look here, since it isn’t there. Or
. None at all.

That would be fantastic, if you wouldn’t mind.

Looking at the SotC on the Wiki, I think I may have locked myself out of getting to 21 without fate or some other exceptional circumstance, since I’ve already completed the University storyline and am at SotC 10. :(

[quote=Wiwo]I would definitely recommend looking at the Spoiler-Free Fate Guide. Be sure to look at the images in both page 2 and page 3 of the thread.

In terms of free content, you’ve hit the big ones. There’s quite a lot of content behind SMEN, but it’s… terribly unwise.[/quote]

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m not at the point where I’m eager to go Seeking, since my understanding is that permanently destroys your character if you &quotsucceed&quot. But the guide is, as the devils say, &quotdelightful, my dear!&quot

Oh, do not worry, delicious friend. If it is, as it was, you may start it,
and have Your olden Ambition left as it is, untouched (or, ah, in a
state of some progression).
But it definitely is no help at all to look here, since it isn’t there. Or
. None at all.[/quote]

I will definitely not look there, then.

What’s your IG name (or a link to your profile?) so I can go ahead and get you the invitation?

Also yeah, completing Seeking will make your character unplayable. It’s also a quest that will take a fair bit of time depending on your resource level when you start: like I’m seeking on my alt, and it’ll be late August- early September before I can send him NORTH for good at the earliest. (I also recommend, if you ever want to Seek, to have a lot of resources stored up, because it is really resource-intensive to destroy yourself!)

That would be fantastic, if you wouldn’t mind.

Looking at the SotC on the Wiki, I think I may have locked myself out of getting to 21 without fate or some other exceptional circumstance, since I’ve already completed the University storyline and am at SotC 10. :([/quote]

You most certainly have not. If the university has banished you, it is possible to regain admittance through scientific expeditions.

[quote=laskaris]What’s your IG name (or a link to your profile?) so I can go ahead and get you the invitation?

Also yeah, completing Seeking will make your character unplayable. It’s also a quest that will take a fair bit of time depending on your resource level when you start: like I’m seeking on my alt, and it’ll be late August- early September before I can send him NORTH for good at the earliest. (I also recommend, if you ever want to Seek, to have a lot of resources stored up, because it is really resource-intensive to destroy yourself!)[/quote]

That would be fantastic, if you wouldn’t mind.

Looking at the SotC on the Wiki, I think I may have locked myself out of getting to 21 without fate or some other exceptional circumstance, since I’ve already completed the University storyline and am at SotC 10. :([/quote]

You most certainly have not. If the university has banished you, it is possible to regain admittance through scientific expeditions.[/quote]

Ah, right you are - I had received re-admittance, but forgot to look under the Shadowy Dealings option to find that storylet. Much obliged.

Invite sent.

Personally I take a laid back approach to the game and wait for new content to appear. 5 minutes here and there doing and efficient grind for monies keeps me interested in the short term, and seasonal events (and exceptional stories, were I a subscriber) keep me interested in the long term. FL isn’t a game I sit down to play specifically but something I do to take breaks while working or to fill small blocks of free time, so I’m tolerant to the lack of constant new content.
edited by Kaijyuu on 3/1/2017

This is no longer true. It now behaves as a regular storylet, containing an action which takes you to the Mind of the Long-Dead God
(and it gives you a warning: &quotThis will take you elsewhere. It may be some time before you return.&quot). It doesn’t auto-trigger when selecting the storylet itself.