so how do i change my face?.

now for contexts sake i will add that i got a license to a very long time ago but never realy wanted to change my self.
but now ive decided i hate my self and want to change it the thing is though that i simply cant figure out were the b____y h__l im meant to go have this done so out of desperation ive decided to come here and ask.

also if i need any fate at all for it please tell me up front since i cant get fate at all for bizarre technical reasons.

If you have “a page from the liber visonis” (and you should be able to get one) you can change your face once. Otherwise it will cost fate.

[quote=suinicide]If you have &quota page from the liber visonis&quot (and you should be able to get one) you can change your face once. Otherwise it will cost fate.[/quote] right so after doing some research it occurs to me that you get this from uncovering the secrets of the face tailor 6 oddly enough though i appear to have already done this so that raises the question of why on earth i dont have one realy im just going to assume i either used it or threw it away and i simply dont remember seeing as how i have no. ,a page from the liber visonis,

I remember I sold my page right after I got it, cuz it was worth 12 echoes and that was a lot back then.

12 Echoes? Are you sure? Because I don’t remember mine ever being any price other than the price it’s listed at right now–50 pence.

What, really? I must have been pretty desperate for money.
–the story of my FL career
edited by Pumpkinhead on 3/8/2017

[quote=Pumpkinhead]What, really? I must have been pretty desperate for money.
–the story of my FL career
edited by Pumpkinhead on 3/8/2017[/quote]

Either that, or my memory is going and they were once worth… much more. But I am certain they are only worth 50 pence in the Bazaar now.

I may be mistaken, but I vaguely remember on a previous account back in the day I was able to use the page but did not immediately change my face. So perhaps try going into cameos and selecting a new portrait on the off chance you used it but didn’t pick a new face yet?

Looks to me as if there are many more ways to get a page, about 10 or so if the wiki is right.

[quote=Catherine Raymond][quote=Pumpkinhead]What, really? I must have been pretty desperate for money.
–the story of my FL career[/quote]Either that, or my memory is going and they were once worth… much more. But I am certain they are only worth 50 pence in the Bazaar now.[/quote]Can confirm that the Page is currently worth 0.50 Echoes at the Bazaar. No idea whether it used to be different.

[quote=Meradine Heidenreich]Looks to me as if there are many more ways to get a page, about 10 or so if the wiki is right.[/quote]Those are just the different endings of the Face-Tailor story though. There is currently no other way to gain the Page (it was on the Advent Calendar in 2013, but never after).

[quote=CharlotteFrye]I may be mistaken, but I vaguely remember on a previous account back in the day I was able to use the page but did not immediately change my face. So perhaps try going into cameos and selecting a new portrait on the off chance you used it but didn’t pick a new face yet?[/quote] holy shit birds your right i just changed my face right now!.
but now im rather unnerved that i managed to completely forget about a decision that important i have to say.

Wandering around all along with your face wobbly like a bowl of warm gelatin…

That is the reason I finally started using the &quotplan&quot function – forgetting which of all the very many actions I was determined to complete during any one session. So worry not, you are not alone!