So a funny thing happened...

So, I introduced a friend to Fallen London. A online one but a friend nonetheless. We are both enjoying it, but then he asks if we want to get married in the game. He wants to do it for the stat boost see. A few questions:

1: Should I go through with it? I know some players do it when they legit cared for one another, and some do it for good items or are just curious, I was wondering on your opinion on the matter.

2: Can someone explain the way it works to me and the best way to get to the top? I told him if I was gonna get married I wanna be wined and dined and get the best wedding, and I mean it.

3: Advice from FL married people in general if you thin I missed anything.

I am honoured to be the Fiancee of a rather dashing chap, and we aim to to get married in a month or so. The main thing to note before getting wed in the 'Neath, is that there is no divorce down here (as yet). Although being married does not prevent you from ‘being seen with’ other folks, from what I hear. If you and your friend have exchanged calling cards there will be a social action at your lodgings that will invite you to ‘be seen with’ them. Then there will be the option for one of you to propose. Whilst engaged, there is a new range of social interactions you may have with your Fiance, sipping honey in each others arms, racing from riots hand in hand etc. I hear these options dry up after the actual wedding. The wedding preparations can be as long and involved as you wish, they will be dependent on the venue you choose. You can have a cheap as chips event, for the cost of a few hundred rats, or an event of the year, which is VERY expensive. There are other options in-between. The preparation can be passed between you and you will both have to invest your resources. More tips below.

Hope that helps a little.

Don’t worry too much about it - even with the lack of a divorce option for the time being, having a comatose, unresponsive spouse doesn’t really harm your FL experience.

Of course, if you are in it for the cold feet drama, do note that you can’t opt out at the ceremony like these novels and movies do. Neither is having someone gatecrashing and marrying you on the spot possible, so don’t plan for a bait-and-switch.

Also, like Alexis mentioned recently, make sure you don’t send your steamy cyber message to innocent passerby.

I have decided to go through with it. Quick question though: my current Spouse, the Devout Interigur, may not be pleased with my decision. As such I require 2 Books of Hidden Bodies so I don’t become a hidden body.

Also, advice on the wedding to boot.

Yup. Once your characters are wed, there aren’t any post-wedding social actions so what was once a blossoming romance between your characters can suddenly become rather cold and lonely. Even moreso if either player ceases playing, as you can’t revert back to an NPC spouse to interact with.
It can be good, and if you’re having the top-tier wedding then I wish you the best with this, but the choice is yours.

A piece of advice though - when it comes to wedding preparations, if you can save up around 200 Tales of Terror (between you) then you can progress your Organising A Wedding quality up to 100 before it caps out. Then use the other items to get the rest of the way, once Tales of Terror are no longer useable for that purpose.
Once one of you runs out, get the other to take over the preparations and use their own Tales of Terror.

(Accepting others’ requests for help with Nightmares is just one way to gather them over time, so now may be a particularly good time for you both to try difficult Watchful storylets and let your Nightmares creep up.)
edited by Kittenpox on 7/24/2015

[quote=Kylestien]I have decided to go through with it. Quick question though: my current Spouse, the Devout Interigur, may not be pleased with my decision. As such I require 2 Books of Hidden Bodies so I don’t become a hidden body.

Also, advice on the wedding to boot.[/quote]

If you don’t want to grind for that, you can always spend 5 Fate to switch side in the Foreign Office (and get a home comfort) instead. Given the irrelevancy of the Office, it is not too bad a deal.

…I wish I had known that before spending a ton of cash and actions on Proscribed Material. /: My fault mind. But daam.

I whole-heartedly agree with everything my darling fiancee has said (though I’m a bit troubled that she’s looked into ‘being seen with’ others after the event…hmmm…)

There is one thing she neglected to mention about wedding planning, though. Ideally you should take my approach - propose and then immediately escape to zee for an extended voyage, leaving your betrothed do all of the planning. It is that sort of willingness to share the hard work that is the bedrock of any successful marriage. :)

You need a lot of tales of terror to prepare a wedding ? I did not know weddings had to be so dreadful.

No, not at all. But [Tales Of Terror] are an item that stops being useful once you reach a certain point (I assume because by that stage you realise just how dreadful it can be to plan a wedding :-p ), and so it’s best to use them first rather than come to them later on and find out you can’t use all of the ones you have.

Sorry, I suppose I worded it poorly. :-)

Hm, I see. I guess I’ll just keep living a lonely but cheap life !

Aren’t rats not no longer optimal?

To point out the obvious, your friend is focused on the stat gains. To paraphrase a line from a stand-up comic, “getting married to have sex is like buying an airplane for the peanuts.” In this case, +1 to all primary stats is pretty much irrelevant in the context of, for now, a permanent marriage.

Since your friend isn’t primarily interested in RPing being a couple, perhaps you could explore other means of raising stats with social actions? Farming Advantages to help with those early levels, teaching them about training professions and how CPs work, maybe some dueling or chess? If they’re new, it wouldn’t take long to gain those points, and they’re at an early stage to even worry much about clothes.

[quote=Kylestien]So, I introduced a friend to Fallen London. A online one but a friend nonetheless. We are both enjoying it, but then he asks if we want to get married in the game. He wants to do it for the stat boost see. A few questions:

1: Should I go through with it? I know some players do it when they legit cared for one another, and some do it for good items or are just curious, I was wondering on your opinion on the matter.[/quote]

… Probably not? Shotgun weddings are about as profitable in London as they tend to be in real life. Unless you’re both doing it for role-play purposes (and you said he’s not). Also, there aren’t really any &quotgood items&quot associated with marriage to another player; if you do the top-tier wedding you can get a unique collectible with no effects, but marriage in Fallen London is generally a giant resource sink for those who simply must be true to their characters. Munchkins are better served dumping some Fate on getting the Boneless Consort, which in the long-term will help your friend out with stats MUCH more in the late game (by making Notability an easier grind).

Once the proposal is accepted, the proposer gets 1 of a stat called Organising a Wedding, which they can then build up to unlock better and more extravagant weddings. The cheap way is eloping, which still has associated costs, increases the Scandal of both parties, and causes you to lose a point of Notability (thus making it very bad for end-game players). The highest-tier wedding unlocks at 10,000 Organising a Wedding; it costs roughly 1 Echo of goods to gain 1 point of Organising a Wedding. Your friend is absolutely not in a place to do this in a timely fashion; even late-game players still need about a month’s worth of grinding to pull that off.

Don’t do it for the stats. It’s a hideously expensive method of getting one point in each attribute, even at the cheap level. Tell your friend to buy some cheap clothes from the Bazaar and propose if he actually wants your characters to marry for RP reasons.
edited by Jeremy Avalon on 7/24/2015[li]
edited by Jeremy Avalon on 7/24/2015