Snobbery and business

I’ve just come here because a certain line has suddenly began to irk me.

The thing’s rich as Croesus. No need to let snobbery interfere with business.

This line appearing during the soiree one can visit through A polite invitaiton just feels decidedly very early-game to me.
My character has Renown: Rubbery Men 42 and knows the route to the Flute Street. The Entrepreneur used to be on her Board at some point. She certainly wouldn’t call him a thing. As for snobbery, well, living in Fallen London eventually chastises you of that sin. After talking to cities, meeting the Flukes, trading with rats and enlisting the help of Starved Men, you look at the Rubberies and find them pretty ordinary in comparison.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have another option on the Entrepreneur’s card, one that has a check for Renown: Rubbery Men, for example? One that would be slightly more profitable and a lot more respectful?


I agree! In fact, I’d send this to - I think it’s the sort of update that would make sense in the context of the game’s evolution.


I understand where you are coming from—especially where it concerns an endgame FLPC in particular, who may have expanded their viewpoint on the Rubberies well beyond the typical citizen—but I do hope FBG don’t lean too far into sanding off all the rough edges of societal conflict in the setting as a whole. Snobbery, class dynamics, an oppressed underclass who are widely seen as bizarre and offputting, if not repulsive, by the average joe—these things set the stage for interesting conflicts and stories, and are much more interesting to me than an, in effect, utopia of tolerance with merely a dash of Gothic/eldritch set dressing.


I can see your point. Still, I don’t suggest removing this line for everyone. What I have in mind is a (possibly hidden) check for Renown: Rubbery Men. The text could change after a certain point.
It can even change to something like ‘others may regard him as a lesser creature, but you’ve seen weirder than that’.