@A.B. Nile: oh, completely light-hearted, that should go without saying. It’s a game, after all. As to your hypothetical, it creates a difficulty in that it presupposes a "main/most important" account. But for those for whom alts are equally precious, there is no such "main/most important" account, any more than, say, a parent with more than one child would be able to pick a "main/most important" one. As a gedankenexperiment, it suffers from the fallacy of false dilemma.
I agree that the majority of players do not see the question this way, which is possibly why few people can become truly successful actors. If one feels "apart" from his role, then he will never be able to give it the same attention or conviction as he would when he is immersed in it. (Note, however, that there is another theory of acting which contradicts this)
– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 2/3/2016