SMEN Betrayals, looking for fresh fresh betrayals!

One more. All I need is one more and L’morte Du Artur is mine to burn.
Come then, come close and listen well.

My alt, Alberia, is ready and willing to be betrayed. Well, only ready, poor dear.

Looking for some poor, innocent souls to betray…I’ll make what recompense I can with the social actions of your choice.

[li]My new character will begin the search.

My alt would love to betray you once she has a few more actions if you’re still amenable.

Looking for someone to betray, please. :)

I am going to regret this. But that’s the entire point, isn’t it? Probably not ready OR willing, but certainly able.
I’ll be glad to help you on your seeking way. So long as you help me get started on mine.
(Honestly, I’m just bored now that I’ve hit the big ol’ content boundary. What’s the worst that could happen?)

EDIT: For whatever reason, it seems I can’t be betrayed. I’ve been Freed from the Name once and only once, have watchful 30, and am not currently Seeking, so I don’t quite understand why I’m ineligible, but apparently that’s how it is.
edited by ReusedNPC on 7/27/2017
edited by ReusedNPC on 8/6/2017

There’s this do-gooder making the rounds at the moment… welcoming sort, if you say the right words. She should be easy enough. Easy enough, as they go.

(I’m looking for someone to betray Remembrance, whose profile is in my sig. I’ll thank you. She probably won’t.)

EDIT: She was reached, with the words. My thanks to dadam).
edited by Pipedream on 8/1/2017

So my Seeker Desirée MacGregor needs two more betrayals to complete her quest for the first candle. If you’d like I can have Màiread send you a surprise package, Neath’s Mysteries or similar for your trouble. Thanks very much!

Hi, I am looking for people to betray.

[quote=Lucas Chandler]I am going to regret this. But that’s the entire point, isn’t it? Probably not ready OR willing, but certainly able.
I’ll be glad to help you on your seeking way. So long as you help me get started on mine.
(Honestly, I’m just bored now that I’ve hit the big ol’ content boundary. What’s the worst that could happen?)

EDIT: For whatever reason, it seems I can’t be betrayed. I’ve been Freed from the Name once and only once, have watchful 30, and am not currently Seeking, so I don’t quite understand why I’m ineligible, but apparently that’s how it is.
edited by ReusedNPC on 7/27/2017
edited by ReusedNPC on 8/6/2017[/quote]

It used to be possible to be betrayed, and to Free oneself from the Name, and be betrayed again, multiple times. (I know that because I did it.) Then FBG changed the game. Sorry.

I will, however, send you a boxed cat as you’re interested in getting same.

My alt, Max von Spitz is available for betrayal.

Edit: Well, that was quick!
edited by SamNorrey on 8/10/2017

Wednesday’s child is full of woe and all, ready to make a terrible decision. A betrayal to set me on the track is welcome (or something).

Thank you (or something).

Edit: All done. See you on the other side.
edited by wednesdayschild on 8/13/2017

Vade Mecum is looking to instruct certain ill-fated individuals on the subject of some fabulous candles. Please reply here or message him if you wish to be betrayed.

Looking for people to betray

It’s not really a betrayal if you ask for it, now is it? Still, these cats are growing expensive, and the lacre-season is far-off. You only need listen.

The Remorseless Villainess is looking for victims to betray, and happy to offer the social recompense of your choice. Poor fools, as though any material offering could be worth the horrors you’ll endure.

104 really wants to have his life ruined. He just is like that. So yes, a betrayal is appreciated.

edit: He’s been betrayed. I am grateful.
edited by oblivion on 9/2/2017

My Alt is looking for people to betray, on her way to the final frontier…because reckoning won;t be postponed
Edit: One was betrayed, six to go…come one, come all!
edited by BlabberingMat on 9/12/2017

I am currently looking for people to betray, if anyone is interested.