SMEN Betrayals, looking for fresh fresh betrayals!

Getting back into Seeking after a long absence and looking for anyone to betray. Endless hunger and forbidden knowledge guaranteed .

I’m seeking to be betrayed: Fallen London
edited by Mistiryo555 on 3/25/2021

Looking to be betrayed if anyone feels so inclined @ ! Pour that poison right into my willing ear, baby!

What a fool I was, I know must travel that forsaken road.
edited by Krux99 on 5/8/2021

Are you still available to be betrayed? I’m looking for someone right now

can anyone betray me? i have made an alt specifically for smen

Looking for a betrayal. Fallen London

Are people still posting in here for betrayals? I’d love to see it.

I actually set up an alt for purposes of assisting myself in this quest. She has 50 Watchful. I misunderstood the requirements for betrayal so she wound up with a point of Seeking (I thought you had to betray a fellow Seeker, not somebody who was innocent) but I managed to get her backed out of the quest so she’s Free of the Name, no points in Seeking.

The first message here implies she should be betrayble, multiple names, but she’s not an option on my contacts list. Did the betrayal mechanic change or am I possibly overlooking a more mundane and fixable reason?

If the former, is there anybody who’s open and available to a bit of backstabbing? The knife is sharp. It won’t hurt much.

Free of the Name means she can no longer be betrayed - otherwise one could always back out of Seeking and re-betray over and over again…

My character needs a bit of SMEN for his Ambition, and is open to being betrayed:
Looking to be betrayed
My character is looking to be betrayed.

Hello, I am willing to offer betrayals, please send me a message here or ingame.

@Lo9ud @Arkellios
I can’t invite either of you, says you are not eligible?

I’d love a betrayal! If anyone would be so kind

[quote=Athena?]I’d love a betrayal! If anyone would be so kind[/quote]

Hello friend, I have sent you a betrayal a little while ago

I am seeking… to seek, and thus a betrayal, if anyone would be so… kind.

Just sent you one! also looking for a couple more people to betray if anyone’s interested

Hi there, I’m looking to have my alt account be betrayed.

She can be found here: Fallen London

EDIT: thank you for the betrayal!
edited by Ladybunne on 9/16/2021

Hi! I’m looking to start Seeking on my alt account, if someone could betray me that would be very helpful! thank you! Fallen London