Small Errors and Niggles Thread.

With Sunless Sea coming out in a few weeks, I thought I might make a thread for very small, easily fixed things. Ideally these aren’t based around screen resolutions, performance or core gameplay. Just small usability and textual notes.

Here are some I’ve noticed in the latest build:
-The lights button on the bottom of screen indicates &quotM&quot rather than &quotL&quot as its hotkey.

-While certainly not compulsory, it’s standard in many RPGs and other games that pressing &quotJ&quot opens up the journal, currently Sunless Sea doesn’t do this and find myself occasionally hitting &quotJ&quot without any results. Sometimes you just want to skip right to objectives page so you can decide what to do next.

-There are some inconsistencies with where information goes in the Gazetteer, for example the Colours that need to be acquired for Venderbight go into your hold rather than your objectives, and Storm’s Attention goes into achievements rather than with the other two god’s attention qualities.

On that last point - the Fathomking’s requirements for Father’s Bones get split. Some go in your Hold and some go in your Objectives.

Well, the Venderbight colors are literally pages from a children’s book, and you’re searching for things that match the colors described on the pages.

What beats me is why the stuff-needed for Principles’ End goes in Achievements.

It annoys me everytime I read “Schabelport” at the Chelonate.
Judging by its position on the turtle, this is supposed to mean “beak port” in german, which would be “Schnabelport”.

I wish that opening settings doesn’t accidentally click through to actions - the cursor would be right on top of settings, but if I’m in a port like London and have the gazetteer scrolled down, the thing that would open would invariably be my lodgings because it’d be hidden behind/above that spot. ( happens if I click shipyard too) I guess I could train myself to have everything scrolled up? It might be just on my mac.[li][/li][li]
edited by fortluna on 1/22/2015

New entry message for Frostfound’s tile:

Frostfound, vast and chillly. A fortress seiged by questions, answers, and riddles.


It’s much too cold to talk without stuttering.[li]

[quote=Curious Foreigner]It annoys me everytime I read &quotSchabelport&quot at the Chelonate.
Judging by its position on the turtle, this is supposed to mean &quotbeak port&quot in german, which would be &quotSchnabelport&quot.[/quote]

Nice coincidence - but that port is actually based on a backer name. :-)

I ran across a Bat-Swarm from Generic Tile yesterday :)

I know the tile names are slowly getting filled in, so this will probably self-rectify in an upcoming content update, but it made me laugh.

[quote=Frenton]With Sunless Sea coming out in a few weeks, I thought I might make a thread for very small, easily fixed things. Ideally these aren’t based around screen resolutions, performance or core gameplay. Just small usability and textual notes.

Here are some I’ve noticed in the latest build:
-The lights button on the bottom of screen indicates &quotM&quot rather than &quotL&quot as its hotkey.

-While certainly not compulsory, it’s standard in many RPGs and other games that pressing &quotJ&quot opens up the journal, currently Sunless Sea doesn’t do this and find myself occasionally hitting &quotJ&quot without any results. Sometimes you just want to skip right to objectives page so you can decide what to do next.

-There are some inconsistencies with where information goes in the Gazetteer, for example the Colours that need to be acquired for Venderbight go into your hold rather than your objectives, and Storm’s Attention goes into achievements rather than with the other two god’s attention qualities.[/quote]

I don’t know if I’ll be thanked for this - but even for these, for those things that are bugs (lights/typos) rather than preferences, do send it to:

Don’t submit a report just for a ‘this would be nice’ - but perhaps you could tag them onto the end of a genuine bug? (Unsure if this will get me a kicking from team FBG. ;-) )

While it claims the cap for the Zeeside Mansion is 16 heirlooms, you can actually get a 17th in there (at least, through the Captivating Treasure option) before it locks you out.

Also, the Tireless Mechanic’s story now requires you to have zero Tireless Mechanics, which seems… awkward.

That’s actually the case for quite a few things – for instance, Wounds are listed as Curiosities, IIRC, and the Whalebone Token (which is pretty unambiguously an object and properly belonging in Curiosities) also has the Favours: prefix.
edited by Fretling on 1/23/2015

STILL no Sea of Lillies! I’ve explored the entire map (very handy to have the black spots on the new map, so it’s easier to see which bits haven’t been explored, btw) and it’s not there!

I like the new map contrast helping with the visibility too.[li]
A thing about repairs at sea - they can be surprisingly lethal for any captain. If there was a way to stop repairs, I’ve been too unobservant to learn about it, and if it’s too difficult to implement, I understand, but both narratively and in game, it makes little sense for repairs to go on uncontrollably until all the supplies are used up.
I’ve done this before, but yesterday I was in my frigate with 20+ supplies on board, pretty far from London but feeling good, when I accidentally clicked the repair key and was instantly doomed because I was lacking more than a hundred points of hull, which was going to use up all my food. Even with the tramp steamer supplies can be more important than having a fully repaired hull - what kind of automaton golem crew do you have, and why do they hate your captain so much ;-; You couldn’t drive ordinary zailors to get everything spick and span at the cost of starvation unless you wanted a mutiny on your hands. It’s kind of an odd detail? And nothing warns you about this either.

It isn’t very obvious, and I don’t know if there is any information in game, but you need to hit “R” or the repair key again to stop the process.

I actually find the new map harder to read than the old one. Neither of them is very high-contrast, but the darker color of the new map forces me to up my monitor brightness to max and it’s still a bit squinty.

It’s not that I’m unused to white text on dark backgrounds either. I have a browser extension that can twiddle with background and text colors, and I often set it to medium-light-gray text on black backgrounds to reduce eyestrain. But for some reason the new map’s color scheme is just not doing it for me.

:OOO WELL. That does need to go into the tutorial; I’d only ever jammed the forward key trying to get it to move. Thank you-it’ll be so great not sailing on a leaky bucket but also having food.[li]

The port report for Adam’s Way does not presently appear to be useable to turn in at the admiralty.

Varchas has no port reports (may be intentional?)

If you get the Doom of Wisdom’s prison, right now it says you failed your rescue no matter what you actually achieved. And there’s a bit of music near the south that (on my computer) sounds like a midi version of the tomb colonies music - tinnier and much less polished (although I’m not a judge of these things, and if it’s intentional I apologize)
(I’ve also been wondering why the number of profile pictures is so limited compared to FL. I’m willing to pay more to get use those icons - the way I think of my captains has been rather more influenced by those pictures than I expected, and I’d love to have the wider range available from fallen london, especially since earlier captains were so ephemeral. (and also for continuity’s sake!) If it’s about the spacing, the set of icons available now always shows up with one blocking the name-entry space.)[/li][li]
edited by fortluna on 1/24/2015

There’s a weird bug in the latest release where the port the Admiral tells you to go to is not the one that gets recorded in the Journal. I can imagine this may cause issues of impossible requests, potentially.

VERY VERY much enjoying having started a new game, only my second. Planning to make all the opposite choices; but it really brings home how much bigger the game is now that it was at start of beta!