Seeking Licentiate Acquaintances

hwoosh is currently a Licentiate, and would be pleased to exchange murderous letters until such time as I decide to change his profession again (probably not for a few real-world months).

This is something to do with the new letter system is it? I haven’t really looked into it much, so don’t know what it entails, but I do have a Licentiate character, who calls herself The Vengeance.

I will get her to send you a card, when you return from exile. Or you can contact her if you prefer.

My alt NummehCake is a Licientiate.

Always happy to polish up my skills.

Cortez the Killer is a Licentiate with the particular pedigree of counting a Master of the Bazaar among their victims. Contact them if you dare ;)

Lady Catterly is able to accept Words Writ in Gant.