Seeking Influence

Apologies if I’m doing this incorrectly—I’m a longtime FL player but have never before strayed onto the forums. I’m slowly working my way towards being a Paramount Presence, and I’m currently seeking 90 Influence in order to obtain London’s Sinews. My username is the same as my forum handle. Please assist if you can, or if I’m going about this the wrong way, please let me know!

Could you provide a link to your profile page? Game says you don’t exist.

Well, I feel like a complete fool. Here’s the actual link: Fallen London

I am unable to send you my calling card because you are in a different setting, apparently. I do not know what this means, is it just that you aren’t in the Fallen London map area?

If you’d like to send me your calling card my main is Fallen London
edited by Pleasant Misery on 8/29/2021

I got through with one of my alts, and the rest could not because Ted was in Parabola. Seems the Royal Mail (or whatever private service I used) do not deliver to Parabola. :) I believe that is why you are getting this message from the game.

I expected it to be something like that. Well, if I notice that Ted isn’t in Parabola at some point I will send cards then.