I to would like a card…If it appeals to those that went before this is my Main (I dont do things by halves!)
In the process of throwing my only character (one who has experienced most all of London) down the Well to go North. Turns out this really is just all his prequel to his life in Promethean. If anybody has a spare calling card, Rylan Singh could well and truly not use it.
So I want to ask again because I’m at SMEN 18 and once I leave Hunter’s Keep in a couple of days with roughly 30K Cryptic Clues to convert to try and get those last couple levels (plus my free Marsh Mired level) I could really use the card to sprint me to 29. I’ll be sure to pass it on plus another from God’s Editors before I go North myself. But if anybody has one, I could seriously use it.
Edit: Got one. Thanks!
edited by Burlbee on 8/22/2018
Back around Page 3, I took up shipping and making cards for a while. And then I followed the irresistable pull North. A reckoning was not to be postponed indefinitely.
Now I am back, and for some reason, I have decided to do this to myself again. I am Sterna Paradisaea now, and I am looking for a card to accelerate my re-demise.
All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall fall down the well, friends.
e: Thank you to Burlbee! I will pass it on soon. Too soon. We will all pass on soon.
edited by Parabuteo on 9/13/2018
Hi everyone
I started on the path of damnation a few weeks ago. I’m reaching the point where I can visit winking isle, but I am in need of a calling card. I will pass it on as soon as I can secure one of my own.
I must be mad . . .
I’m in the market for a calling card. I’ve just made SMEN 20, so I’ll be hitting 21 by my next TtH at the latest. I’ve liquidated my inventory and am about 2 candles’ worth of actions away from 2542 Proscribed Material, so I’m pretty close to being ready to do a single round of WI, craft my own card, and send one back/onward. It would be very much appreciated!
EDIT: I’ve received a Calling Card; no need to send me one!
edited by Gallmarch on 9/19/2018
Tyche Miller is also looking for a calling card. If anyone no longer has need of one, please let her know! http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/TycheMiller
Edit: Got one!
edited by TeaFiend5 on 10/1/2018
Lady Loved is looking for a calling card! Edit: I have received one, thanks!
edited by annenna on 10/23/2018
I would be most appreciative to receive a calling card to further my search for the neath’s forbidden mysteries.
edited by Corax on 10/27/2018
edited by Corax on 10/27/2018
The Fungal One is about ready to continue his search, and would be grateful to receive a calling card.
Unwisely, Teysia is searching for the rumored calling card (with SMEN 25 currently)
Aeolian seeks a certain card, should any be so kind as to help.
The Bishop would be pleased with a card, if one is wiling to offer one.
Fallen London would really appreciate a certain letter, then all will be well
EDIT : I just bought one myself and am on the island right now, so do not need it anymore.
edited by Flynneldariel on 11/26/2018
Doctor Stripes is very keen to acquire a calling card. He is surprisingly wealthy in Mysteries and will fairly swiftly be in a position to pay the favour forward.
There is a modest hunger for a card. And the favour won’t be postponed indefinitely
Already got one,so please send your spare card to others,thanks!
Honest man, mad and bad rogue scholar, unlicensed doctor.
Iele, Extraordinary and complex mind, Correspondent.
edited by lightgoo on 2/8/2019
I am requesting a card for myself.The gods editors are proving to be… difficult with their piousness and a reckoning has been postponed for long enough.
edited by Corax on 1/25/2019
I have grown weary wrestling with the Editors over such a trifling thing. If anyone would be so generous as to furnish me with a certain card, I would be most grateful.