Seeking a Chain Letter [Mr. Eaten's Calling Card]

I will be at SMEN 21 by the end of the week, and would love to be on the calling card chain. I will most gladly pass it on with interest.

P.S. I’m now at SMEN 25, have St. Beau’s candle, and could really use the card.
edited by Havershtook on 3/2/2017
edited by Havershtook on 3/10/2017
edited by Havershtook on 3/12/2017

I would also love a calling card. Thanks in advance!

Having just received St. Arthur’s Candle, I am in need of a calling card. I will be able to produce another calling card once I’ve reached SMEN 29. Thanks to whoever might send me the card.

Edit: Card has been received, Thank You!
edited by The Sellsword on 3/4/2017
edited by The Sellsword on 3/22/2017

I’d really like to get a calling card for my alt who’s going north:

edited by Fistandalius on 3/3/2017

As the many others before me, I would love a Calling Card! Am very actively seeking and will make passing the card along a high priority.
ETA: I am now SMEN 25, have St. Beau’s candle, and yearning, burning for a card still. Any aid would be much appreciated!
edited by sophianyogu on 3/9/2017
edited by sophianyogu on 3/11/2017
edited by sophianyogu on 3/15/2017

With the full understanding that there is likely a backlog of requests, Alysian would also like to request a card from whoever can spare one. Thank you.

EDIT: I have my card, much appreciated!
edited by Alysian on 3/9/2017

Ignasi is also interested in a Calling Card. I have just reached SMEN 23 and started to search for St. Arthur’s Candle (after a string of unexpected good fortunate from the random number generator), and will produce one after I’ve reached 29.

[quote=splendentcarmine (Alodia Eschec)]I’d love a calling card if someone has one to spare.

Edit: Still very much yearning for a card.
edited by splendentcarmine (Alodia Eschec) on 3/4/2017[/quote]
I sent one along. Happy seeking!

I’d love a calling card - I only need a little more SMEN to get my own, so I’ll be sure to pass on the favor.
Thanks in advance!

This may be a foolish question, but is there a list somewhere of requests/who has a card? I’m trying to figure out from the thread who I should send my card to and am having a hard time figuring out who has one, who doesn’t, and who is next on the List of Doom.

Pumpkinhead just sent one to Alodia Eschec. I think I am next on the list.
Then it looks like:
The Sellsword
and Ignasi.

edited by Havershtook on 3/14/2017

Thank you. I’ll send you my card once I’m back from the Tomb-Colonies, then.

EDIT: And it is done. Enjoy Winking isle.
edited by laskaris on 3/14/2017

With gratitude, I have received my gift. I take full responsibility for the misery it is sure to bring, and promise to similarly enable a fellow seeker as soon as I am able. In the mean time, it looks like Stycks is next on the “List of Doom”.

[quote=sophianyogu]As the many others before me, I would love a Calling Card! Am very actively seeking and will make passing the card along a high priority.
ETA: I am now SMEN 25, have St. Beau’s candle, and yearning, burning for a card still. Any aid would be much appreciated![/quote]
Done. A weight lifts.

It looks like a bunch of seekers may have been skipped. I am sending my card to Stycks, who I believe is next on the list.

…Hmmm… I get a message that Stycks &quotis not eligible for this invitation&quot. I have sent my card to Herodotus.
edited by Havershtook on 3/18/2017

I have no more need of my card, so will pass it to Herodotus shortly

[quote=Fistandalius]I’d really like to get a calling card for my alt who’s going north:

edited by Fistandalius on 3/3/2017[/quote]

Thank you!
I’ll send it forward when I’m done with it.
May the misery go on

I would like to request a card for my Seeking alt as well. He needs this. He has just told six innocent strangers (plus myself) things that will haunt their dreams, he has gained St Arthur’s Candle, he knows nothing good will happen, knows this will rob him of the chance to set his loved ones to peace, rob him of everything, he knows, he knows, but he needs to know more.


His words.

edit: Obtained! Many thanks to Candalf.
edited by aegisaglow on 4/4/2017

Do you need a ship and/or the candles to go to Winking Isle? Because my alt is at SMEN 21 but isn’t a PoSI and has no candles, and I don’t want to just hang onto a calling card and deny someone else it.