Second autosave slot?

I’m reasonably new to the game, and have just hit the point where my captain can kill monsters/afford fuel/survive out at zee well enough to start opening up the far sides of the map. The problem is - I want to show my friend the game, but I don’t want to wreck my game and murder my captain to let them play*, and when my current captain eventually dies I don’t want to let them play with periodic interruptions to force them to write a will to preserve the mansion and heirlooms they didn’t earn and so forth.

So my question is: if I start a second game unrelated to the current &quotunbroken lineage&quot, does it save in a separate slot or does it just overwrite the old autosave? I’m too terrified of blowing up my progress so far to experiment…

*Well, I could go to Kingeater’s and try those oh-so-tempting options there. That would at least be an educational end. But still.

[quote=the truthseeker]Unless you have enabled &quotMerciful Mode&quot and thus allowed manual saving (and merciless mode only is for an in-game medal or Steam Accomplishment one time,) starting a new Game overwrites autosave the moment that game saves at a port. Manual saves do last between multiple games until manually deleted. So if you started a new game, you could restore your captain and lineage by loading said manual save game.

You can back up and overwrite the auutosave yourself with the saved copy when done if you so want, by making a copy stored from this location: C:\Documents and Settings[your computer’s User Name logged in here]\Local Settings\Application Data\Failbetter Games\Sunless Sea\saves\Autosave.json Just delete or overwrite that file with the one you saved somewhere else when done with your demonstration.
edited by the truthseeker on 1/4/2016[/quote]

All right. Not the answer I was hoping to hear, but clear enough. Thanks!


[quote=the truthseeker]
You can back up and overwrite the auutosave yourself with the saved copy when done if you so want, by making a copy stored from this location: C:\Documents and Settings[your computer’s User Name logged in here]\Local Settings\Application Data\Failbetter Games\Sunless Sea\saves\Autosave.json Just delete or overwrite that file with the one you saved somewhere else when done with your demonstration.
edited by the truthseeker on 1/4/2016[/quote]
The OP still has a point: having multiple characters shouldn’t require switching to merciful mode or having to use less user-friendly options. Personally, I’ve always been interested in starting a new game for a myriad of reasons but I’m not willing to abandon my current long-running game’s &quotbadge&quot for Unforgiving Mode.
