Sailing Difficulty

Noticed this quality appear when I left grunting fen earlier. Value was 6 for me. Anyone know anything about this quality? How is it calculated and how does it affect gameplay?

No idea, but a number of other people have noticed it as well. Might have some bearing on which cards show up? (Pure speculation.) Very interested to see how this all resolves!

Hmm, I wonder what the value is for people not in the sea of voices. Might be worth compiling known values and see if we can guess how it’s calculated.

I know someone set off from London earlier with a Difficulty also of 6. We’ll see how things shape up, I guess.

Upping the difficulty won’t save you, Failbetter! I know I’m close to the truth! I SHALL ZAIL ON!

Hail, The Eternal Zailor!

I feel nothing but dread over what you’re describing, when I want to raise my Experienced Zailor quality enough to get 100% chance on the Nadir card that requires it…

That’s capped at level 20 and you can get one extra level from the Kickstarter book (M. Demeaux’s Advice for Captains: Commemorative Edition).
EDIT: No, there’s no hat, just the weapon.
edited by Skinnyman on 7/30/2016

That’s capped at level 20 and you can get one extra level from the Kickstarter hat.[/quote]
What Kickstarter hat? I know there’s a weapon from an access code just before the Sunless Sea full release.

I’m curious about this hat as well. I have the M. Demeaux’s Advice for Captains: Commemorative Edition, and I just found out about these adorable little Parabolean Panther kittens…but a hat?

Oh, sorry, the book, the book!
Was pretty busy and, for one moment I “saw” M. Demeaux’s item as a lovely zailor hat! :D