Royal Veterinary College - Pet Registry

Myrese’s pet collection is sadly limited…and I always forget to name the new ones. However, my named ones include:
Melie: Araby Fighting-Weasel. A delicate name for a tough animal.
Suki: Cheerful Goldfish. My only companion in my first days in Fallen London. She really did keep Myrese’s sanity intact.
Cumin: Dazed Raven Advisor. Because I liked Hugin and Munin, but I only have one raven.
Aikuro: Preening Macaw. A reference to the sparkliest character in Kill la Kill.

In no particular order:

Scuttering Squad: The Baseboard Bruisers
Working Rat: OBrien (as in Chief Miles O’Brien of Star Trek)
Disgraced Rat Bandit Chief: Jack Bauer
Talkative Rat: Albrecht (no story there, just picked it)
Albino Rat: Valkea (I think it means &quotwhite&quot in a Scandinavian language. I don’t remember which language.)
Bat With Attitude: Bruce (Wayne, obviously)
Salt Weasel: Kiki (I think that was the weasel from Sluggy Freelance, a webcomic.)
Corresponding Ocelot: Babu (named for Cheryl/Carol’s ocelot from the show Archer)
Bifurcated Owl: Stitches
Unfinished Hat: Toothy
Secular Missionary: Loretta (I think because of the scene in Life of Brian where one of the Pythons says they want to be called Loretta &quotbecause it’s a nice name&quot)
The Woman in Yellow: Lady Hastur
Bandaged Raven: Cawput (as in caw + kaput)
Mystic Raven: Huginn
Devious Raven: should be Muninn, currently is MemPoe (mempo + Poe), maybe will go back to HPoe Lovecrowft someday

I used to have a Preening Macaw named Gaston. It seemed right.

I don’t name my &quotexpendable&quot pets (goldfish, lucky weasels, lizards). The cooldown on my &quotselect name&quot ability is longer than their expected lifespans.

(I once had an Araby Fighting Weasel named &quotLawrence&quot as well. It honestly seems wrong to name it anything else.)

Grubby Urchin: Paweł Pavlak (random Name)
Disgraced Bandit Chief: Scarface(as in Tony Montana and Al Capone)
Dreamy Raven Advisor: Krabat (some german media, don’t know which. The black one will be called Nimmermehr)
Talkative Rattus Faber: Jimmy The Rat (the first name I connected to an informant in a crime show)[/li][li]Scuttering Squad: Murder Inc. (The Rat Pack gave me the Idea.)[/li][li]

Assistant: GAWRON! (The first anme I came up that sounded cool when shouted.)[/li][li]
edited by Rysiek on 12/13/2015

Blemmigan tourist: [color=#330099]Miggo [/color](as in Mi-Go. Feel free to google that.)
Parabollan Kitten: [color=#0000ff]Purrball [/color](a play on &quotParabola&quot)
Malevolent Monkey: [color=#663300]Apewire [/color](it takes turns going apes__t and haywire)
Disgraced RF Bandit-Chief: [color=#ff0000]Rippichief [/color](as in Reepicheep, one of the best rodent characters ever, +Chief)
Rubbery Euphonium: [color=#ffff00]Blowduck[/color]
Starveling Ket: [color=#cccc99]Glitchifer [/color](named after a dearly departed cat of mine, who shared some characteristics with the Starveling)
Araby Fighting Weasel: [color=#ff6600]Emir Altiz[/color] (arabic for &quotPrince of Ass&quot, as in prince of kicking ass)
Devious Henchman: [color=#00cc00]Evenjob [/color](the opposite of Oddjob)
I don’t name faction pets, cause i switch them around frequently. And i don’t name the nightmare fish because it’s less of an individual and more of a sashimi.
edited by Masseurse on 4/16/2021

There is a village near me called Evenjob. All this time it never occurred to me that it might be named after the twin brother of a Bond movie henchman. Possibly because it is pronounced EVAN-job. :)

Anyway… (Deep breath)

Mister Shivers (Fairly tame Sorrow Spider)
Snot Billy (Grubby Urchin)
Young Master Crunchpole (Winsome Dispossessed Orphan)
Terry the Hands (Devious Henchman)
Uncle Dusty (Ruthless Henchman)
Libby Lovelace (Alluring Accomplice)
Dionysius the Elder (Malevolent Monkey)
Dionysius the Younger (Pentecost Ape)
Diabolic Bob (Overgoat)
Banquo (Sulky Bat)
Oberon (Cheerful Goldfish)
Leon Macduff (Bat with Attitude)
Tom Snout (Talkative Rattus Faber)
Fidelia Sweetings (A Daughter in the Shadows)
Amenhotep II (Corresponding Ocelot)
The Hole-in-the-Wainscot-Gang (Scuttering Squad)
The Cardinal Lord Archbishop of Rheims (Dreamy Raven Advisor)
Lord Featherstone (Pink-Painted Cat)
Marchpane (Watchful Doll)
Little Lottie (Rose-Bearing Maggot)
Miss Scylla (Quiet Deviless)
Dante Gabriel Confetti (Green-Eyed Devil)
Pretty Little Polly Perkins of Paddington Green (Canny Costermonger)
La Traviata (Shimmering Songster)
Honeysuckle Calomnie (Fabulous Accomplice)
Narcissus Jackson (Faustian Henchman)
Nicky the Nice (Well-Scrubbed Urchin)
The Dread Pirate Cecil (Skullduggerous Urchin)
Admiral Byng (Haunted Goldfish)
Jhansi ki Rani Manikarnika Lakshmibai (Extravagantly-Titled Tigress)
Mosura Ya! Mosura! (Newly-Born Frost Moth)
Sir Joseph Dredd KCB (Unassuming Judge)
Lambeth Marsh Lizzie (Celebrated Weasel)
Jennyanydots (Midnight Matriarch of The Menagerie of Roses)
When the Stars threw down their Spears (Minister of Enigmas)

That’s less than half of the companions I have. I really must get around to naming the others some time.

[quote=Plynkes]Anyway… (Deep breath)

Leon Macduff (Bat with Attitude)


I’m still laughing over that one.

[quote=Snort][quote=Plynkes]Anyway… (Deep breath)

Leon Macduff (Bat with Attitude)


I’m still laughing over that one.[/quote]

Wait. I missed Mosura! Little girls are singing in my ears!

Addendum: I now have a Talkative RF: [color=#cc00ff]Manic Pigmy Screamgirl[/color]

My companion list is not particularly short but not all of the companions are named.

So, onto the (named) pet list. And while some of them are more of the companion/henchman type, Lord Hatter considers all of them his pets.

Two Dazed Raven Advisors – Huginn and Muninn (after Odin’s ravens)

Wary Raven Advisor – Sir Edgar

Dreamy Raven Advisor – Sir Allan (after Edgar Allan Poe; yes, should I acquire another Raven I would call it “Sir Poe”)

Preening Macaw – Narcissus (after the character from Greek mythology because this bird is just that vain)

Full-Grown Terror Bird – Jubjub (after the Jubjub Bird from Alice in Wonderland)

Skulky Bat – Herr Fledermaus (“Mr. Bat” in German)

Cryptographic Chiropteran - Sir Denevér (“Bat” in Hungarian)

Cheerful Goldfish – Daymare (for the minus 1 nightmares when equipped)

Rubbery Feline – Felidulhu (felid - a member of the cat family [felidae] + ulhu taken from H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu)

Starveling Cat – Košmaras (“Nightmare” in Lithuanian)

Reprehensible Lizard – Sir Niles (I got nothing, it just sounded good)

Elongated Spindlewolf – Geri (after one of Odin’s wolves)

Surveilling Spindlewolf – Freki (after Odin’s other wolf)

Obstinate Tracklayer – Phineas Gage (when I tried to think of something relating to the railroad, the first thing to popped into my mind was Phineas Gage; while he was not a tracklayer but rather the person in charge of the railroad construction crew, it was too darkly good to pass up)

Impenitent Devil – Mephisto Tsaufian (the description of the Impertinent Devil “He has done (almost) everything at least once” reminded me of the legends about Faust, who wanted to learn everything and after the deal with Mephistopheles did everything he wanted; therefore, “Mephisto” short for Mephistopheles, and “Tsaufian” an anagram of “Faustian”)