Returning to the Neath (stories and tips recommendations for Fallen London)

Hello fellow citizens,

Failbetter ensnared me again in this delicious universe, I’ve been playing Sunless Skies that was given for free in the Epic Games Store. I’ve previously put 80h in Sunless Sea and played quite some time of Fallen London, at the time there was even an android Fallen London app, before forgetting about it.

But I’m eager to return! Skies rekindled all my love! So I ressurected my old account and I’m enjoying it, taking things slowly this time and understanding the lore better (and finding things that communicate in Skies and London is really fun!)

I’m still at the grind of becoming a POSI, I abandoned my character with Persuasive, Dangerous and Watchful pratically at 100 and could quickly complete all them. My negligence with Shadowy is biting me in the arse tho, still at 49, and doing the Big Score storylets is being difficult.

While that is a project in work, I’ve done some other stories alongside, so had some fun with ventures like The Blind Pianist (getting near the Dawn Machine and all that), figuring out Far Arbor/Near Arbor, and now I’m trying to progress the Fidgeting Writer. My ambition to get in the card game with The Topsy King is going good too!

So I would like some reccomendations for cool stories to follow and how to progress with Shadowy at this phase of the game (is getting renown with criminals for a item that gives bonus a viable strategy?) :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!


I find that Shadowy is often one of the more neglected stats. Maybe try Horticulture in the Flit to grind shadowy? If that doesn’t work, you can always ask around in, for example, the Protégés section of these Forums for another player to help you with Shadowy, which they can do by sending you letters that boost your Shadowy or teaching you with Patronage. But as to stories, I might recommend the Affair of the Box. There should be a brief storyline in Spite (that you might already have done) about a strange box with seven locks. If you follow that for a while, eventually you’ll find yourself needing to go to Mahogany Hall. (accessible by either completing the Persuasive MYN or nearly finishing the Shadowy MYN, but that might be hard for you at this point.) Mahogany Hall has a few interesting things by itself, but it will also let you start finishing the aforementioned Affair of The Box. I hope your various endeavors go well, and look forward to hearing about them in future!

Welcome back! We’re all glad to have you here :grinning:

Have you gotten into the Coilheart Games that have been going on? I ask because it’s a Festival, so it’s time-limited. You have to start today or early tomorrow in order to play the story, and finish by September 2. Also you’ll pick up some Shadowy gloves.

Shadowy is notoriously the most difficult stat to raise in the mid-game. I consider it my most important stat and style myself a criminal, and it was still hard to raise. I second the recommendation for Horticulture in the Flit, that’s partly the reason why it was added. I would also add something that helped me raise stats is spending Favours on faction cards for training–Criminal favours tend to be fairly common.

Renown is a long slog to raise, and actually gated by your stats after a particular point. You’ll want to raise Renown long-term because those items are good, but expect that to be a project at least as long as raising your stats to 200, and quite possibly parallel to it.

SInce your Shadowy is still below 70 you can also consider a Training Profession. Go to your Social Engagements next to your Lodgings, see about switching to pickpocket.

Oh yeaaaah, I did start the Box with the Stuttering Fence storylet recently! I will continue that, good to know! And then occupy myself with some horticulture for a while, eventually I can come here to ask for a patronage. Thanks for the tips!

Thanks for the welcome! Even when I first played, I’ve always find the Fallen London community really helpful and receptive! I’ve did some of the Festival stories, but wasnt get much out of it, I will insist a bit more! Also yeah, changing professions is a good tip, will put my journalist notebook in a drawer for a while and do that! Thanks very much!

The thing I do to raise my Shadowy after my weekly Nadir visits is to take a run at the Crowds of Spite. You get shadowy cp when turning in Pickpocket’s Trophies (for the options between 5 and 50 Trophies).

I’m not sure how good that is for people with lower stats but you could try the shortest route and see how it goes.

Slighting other players and having the Polite Poisoner be sent after you is also a nice bunch of shadowy CP.

Preparing a big score at the Flit with decoy would help you grind your Shadowy stats and some bonus resource.

Welcome back to the Neath! Have you done the Wilting Dandy storylet yet (in the Opportunity Deck)? Short and simple, apart from having to do a carousel I won’t spoil on. But really, all the more fascinating storylines are after PoSI. If you’re really impatient, you could get an alternate account to trade off on loitering in Your Social Engagements. Lots of Shadowy CP.

You don’t actually have to have all four stats at 100 or more to get PoSI. You only need one.

No, you only need one at 100 to start the process. It takes all at 100 to finish PoSI

How do you mean? Are we talking about different kinds of PoSI? It seems like, somebody was talking about some things being locked behind PoSI and the kind of PoSI things are usually locked behind if any is the 100-in-one-stat kind.

You only need one hundred in a single stat to meet with the barrister, but to actually become a PoSI and unlock all the stuff associated with being a PoSI you then need to have 100 in each of the four main stats (they are checked one at a time, so they don’t all need to happen at the exact same time, but they do all need to happen)

More info, as always, can be found at the wiki: A Person of Some Importance (Guide) - Fallen London Wiki