Reporting other users

Since I couldn’t find a technical issues thread, I’ll post here. I apologize if this is the wrong place.

Anyway, I was a bit tired this evening and my hand slipped on the button to report another user’s post and I clicked it by accident. Now, I know this will end in a big ball of soap since there was nothing wrong with said post, but this thing made me think: could it be possible to add a window that asks to confirm our reports, so such (I admit, unlikely) incidents could be avoided?

Thanks for the attention.

If you’re talking about the forums, don’t worry about it. It happens often enough and the mods are quite understanding. It’s not like it automatically causes a bunch of terrible things to happen; as far as I understand it, the mods can dismiss it easily enough. If the post you’re reporting obviously doesn’t need to be reported, they’ll realize it’s just a misclick.
As far as fixing it goes, there’s nothing FBG or the mods can do about it. The forum runs off someone else’s software, so they’re not in control of it. It’s like the horrible white/green that results from marking a response as the correct answer.

Yes, don’t worry about accidental reports - we can tell the difference, and it’s easy to clear. :)

I often report myself by accident. I was pretty worried about it at first, but then I realized the worst that could happen was wasting a few seconds of someone else’s time. Then I was only a little worried.

Thank you for your diligence, citizens. Your reports have been forward to the Under-Ministry of Loyalty, and the Disloyals will be Removed. Note that issuing a false report carries a penalty of Severe Removal.

Without redress, I trust?

I see. It was just an idea. I’ll just try to be more careful in the future.