Remaining Connected Levels

For those factions which haven’t yet been converted to Renown/Favors, what are the caps? It looks like at the very least, the nomenclature caps at the following levels:

The Masters = 8
Benthic = 150
Summerset = 150
The Widow = 150
The Duchess = 150

The actual levels for most may go far higher, of course. Just wondering what the highest levels are.

I’ve not pursued these connection levels as there has not been much in-game incentive to do so.


I think Master’s is capped at 15 actually, (I know there’s an action that allows you to up it till at least 11 without Fate)

Thanks - I know that the expensive options on the “A libraryette for Mr Pages” opportunity card can get you up to 11 w/o fate.

Sara Hysaro has Connected: Masters at 18, which is the highest I’ve seen. Also, I’m fairly certain there’s no cap for any of the Connected qualities. There never was before the switch, so I doubt there’d be after.

ED - thanks. It was fairly common to see people with connected around 300 for some of the conversions that took place. So perhaps one could get that high (or higher), in the others above to your point.


Before the switch I had connected: hell at 666 - I am pretty sure there was never a cap

Connected qualities were never capped, and no cap was introduced for the remaining ones afaik.

Beyond a certain point (I think it was 200 for at least some of the factions) there was no new descriptive label. But the number level was never capped. When the changeover occurred, I had Connected: The Church at well over 1200, for example. My Connected: Duchess is over 590 now.

Wow! That’s a lot of connected achieved by some of you!


Thank you all for your feedback.


Prior to the rule-change, I think many people realised that grinding Connected then, as soul-crushing as it was, was a much more pleasant prospect than grinding Renown later. Lots of people got their Connecteds to astronomical levels in anticipation of the conversion.

And some thought they had high levels and got a nasty shock when the conversions happened.

[quote=Plynkes]Prior to the rule-change, I think many people realised that grinding Connected then, as soul-crushing as it was, was a much more pleasant prospect than grinding Renown later. Lots of people got their Connecteds to astronomical levels in anticipation of the conversion.

And some thought they had high levels and got a nasty shock when the conversions happened.[/quote]

That’s quite true, Plynkes. Though in my case my Church was so high because I did the Shepherd of Souls card a lot,l and seldom cashed in Connected: Church for Favours!

In fact, I probably should apologize to anyone who tried to crank up Connected: Church at the last minute, because my Connected, and those of people with similarly high scores, is probably part of the reason why the exchange rate between Connected: Church and Renown: Church was what it was.

And as it happened, I have found acquiring favours and renown a lot less tedious and more advantageous than achieving connected (I was never interested enough to grind).

I prefer Favors and Renown to Connected. However, the sole way to really realistically increase Renown being so expensive, time consuming, and hinging on one stat annoys me. I should not need super dangerous to improve my Society connections further. That seems the least important stat for such things, for example.

Renown was meant to be a time consuming grind. If you just don’t pay attention to those levels and just increase it whenever possible, all shall be well!

Most thought that there will be a connection between the faction and the stat it can boost, but that’s not the case. If you read the texts associated with renown increase you’ll see that it all makes sense.

Other stories may have been associated with those, but I think it’s better to have a different stat requirements than the one it can increase. This way you can focus on a faction and use others too boost your skills if/when necessary. To all these add the level 40 items (which are some of the best in slot) and the level 50 title which is only for bragging rights.

Thing is we got everything with the renown system: a story behind it, item rewards, bragging &quotrewards&quot and profitable ways to cash in the extra favours.

As far as I know, Masters cap at 12, and it can be done without any fate. The only option that takes it past that were now retired betrayals during Hallowmas, and there was no cap for that one.
edited by Darkstrong on 3/22/2018

Masters has no cap. Most options won’t take it past 11, but Sacksmas still gives uncapped gains.

Don’t tell this delicious friend.

Don’t tell this delicious friend.[/quote]
As I said, there was an option to take it past that, but it is gone now.

Don’t tell this delicious friend.[/quote]
As I said, there was an option to take it past that, but it is gone now.[/quote]
The old Hallowmas option is gone, but the 12 days of Mr Sacks still increase Connected: The Masters without a cap.

Don’t tell this delicious friend.[/quote]
As I said, there was an option to take it past that, but it is gone now.[/quote]
The old Hallowmas option is gone, but the 12 days of Mr Sacks still increase Connected: The Masters without a cap.[/quote]
I thought it was capped too. Well, even if it isn’t it will take you literally years to get even one level of connected this way =)