Rat Sending Simulator 2015

hi! \o I’m also someone who started playing not to long ago, It’s great fun! (but whatever you do, avoid hell :o)

speaking of hell, I now have Escaping Hell: 61 Escape Engaged!
and still no escaping trigger is going… I think I’m just going to leave with Mode of Rat and ascent or something…
edited by CatQuest, the Endeavouring Cat! on 5/27/2017

Is there no new card or option on a card?

[s]not that I could see at all, it was the same all over, I even gemmed all my points, had a friend send me rats 3 times (once I converted all my RatRats into rats as well) in order to get exactly 3 rat points, but no go.

I left with Mode of Rat (god I love that) but now I still only have SacToR 7, I can’t seem to get it higher ever at all :/[/s]

aha! I got the well card again and this time I got some new interactions, could chose some God ting instead of losing my items and I got SaCToR 79!
There are also other interactions in hell, including &quotLife in Hell Zone and &quotDie&quot which I didn’t have before.
I believe the difference was that I am no longer &quottyrant&quot King - since I repented (just for testing this idea I had that maybe this would change situation in hell.)

something else I wondered, if anyone can tell me. will amounts things you get with god powers increase with amount of Avarat of God?
like I have one right now, and doing Bees! or Eggs! is pretty uneventful, I get like max 4-5 eggs and not much more Bees, If I have AoG f.ex. 12, would I get a substantially higher amount ?
edited by CatQuest, the Endeavouring Cat! on 5/28/2017

I have only one question.How long does it take for an action in Le Rat Simulator to refresh?

Also, does it take 7 royal brews to get oneself out of hellzone or only one?

Greetings again, I have started a certain bad parody of a quest/story line and have no one to send a particular number of rats to, since my only other fellow rat catching accomplice is already seeking the tally.Is there anyone willing to be given THE NUMBER of rats?

Also, is there a sort of wiki for rat sending simulator?I would like it if there was so I could search up what some obviously stupid and terrible choices do, as I would not want to die via jumping into a blender.

Also, I can reel in rat bees at the hive even though I’m not a rat god yet.Possible glitch detected.

I see I’ve already locked from using it.Nice to see that I could help.

Help me.I am in hell zone.I didn’t think to cook 6 more royal brews before this, and now need 6 more.
Please, save my soul.


Thank the lord someone helped me.

I am now officially a Rat King.

I’ve thought about the wiki thing several times, but I think it’s up to use to actually make one :O
I have some texts that I pasted to another dude because they where (hella) funny.

So I could help a little.
edited by CatQuest, the Endeavouring Cat! on 6/7/2017

Another question, how in the blasted Hell Zone do you use the F__king honey suckers?

ah, those, I think they just autowork, or just try “equipping” them (click on it and a popup should show up.)

uh how do we get a poison organ? i want to get a state of poison but i need a poison organ first (btw, I tried overloading my body with bee poison. it didn’t work -_-.)
edited by Kevin Wang on 6/10/2017

It’s possible that “mode of bee” will do it, though I am not at all sure, I would like to know myself.

Do I get the billion rat in the rat storage zone?

IF you are asking how to make a billion rat - I think those are made in normal zone if you have close to a billion of rats? One way is in the god deck card, and I think there are others elsewhere … heart of rat zone? King rat storylet? I don’t remember.