Rarererest frequency?

According to the wiki there is one card with a rarererest frequency, but no information about it or confirmation that it actually exists. Does anybody actually know anything about this or its state of existence? Here’s a link to the page.

edited by suinicide on 1/16/2016

I’ve only seen Rare frequency cards, no Rarererest. It doesn’t really sound like an official thing to me either, but I haven’t played around with Storynexus at all.

That (1) doesn’t actually mean there’s one card with a rarererest frequency – it’s the distribution value that’s used for that type of card. “100” is Standard, so “1” means it’s 1/100 as common as Standard cards.

Or if you really want the big picture: when you draw a card, the game makes a list of every card you’re eligible for, then assigns each one to a range of numbers depending on its distribution value (100 numbers for each Standard card, 10 for each Rare card, etc), then picks one of those numbers at random and gives you that card.

I don’t think the Rarererest setting is being used for any cards that are in the game, though. Sometimes a very low setting like that might get used only as a precaution for something that’s supposed to be retired or off-limits in the dev area or locked – even if one of those other settings goes awry, it’ll still be nigh-impossible to draw.

[quote=metasynthie]That (1) doesn’t actually mean there’s one card with a rarererest frequency – it’s the distribution value that’s used for that type of card. &quot100&quot is Standard, so &quot1&quot means it’s 1/100 as common as Standard cards.

Or if you really want the big picture: when you draw a card, the game makes a list of every card you’re eligible for, then assigns each one to a range of numbers depending on its distribution value (100 numbers for each Standard card, 10 for each Rare card, etc), then picks one of those numbers at random and gives you that card.

I don’t think the Rarererest setting is being used for any cards that are in the game, though. Sometimes a very low setting like that might get used only as a precaution for something that’s supposed to be retired or off-limits in the dev area or locked – even if one of those other settings goes awry, it’ll still be nigh-impossible to draw.[/quote]

I think these are the cards required to unlock stories with the &quotImpossible&quot tag…

Yeah… probably not

It’s player-specific. Whenever you want to draw a particular opportunity card, FL’s heuristic algorithms assign Rarererest frequency to it.