Rare Successes on Connected Exchange Cards?

So I just got a Favours in High Places from doing the Acacia and the Butterfly, settling in the Orient’s favor. Downside is that I lost about 450-500 CP for the Docks, but it still seems like a pretty good deal. Are rare successes on the connected exchange cards a new thing, or have I just not gotten super lucky before?

Maybe they’re updating all the conflict cards to be similar to the Crime or Punishment card. Were you able to discard it? And did you require 50 in each connection? I think that’s what the Crime or Punishment card requires now.

I don’t have 50 in either connection. I don’t know if I could have discarded it - I was sort of on autopilot until I noticed the results.

Perfectly understandable. So it’s either a rare success (probably new), or they haven’t finished changing it yet. Not sure which is more likely.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 2/25/2013

It’s now unlocked with connected in both: 30
You can discard it.
The Docks option gives 4 labour, and as such it is an awesome way to get those if aiming for a zub…
edited by Aximillio on 2/26/2013

Choosing the Orient option gives you 1 x Favours in High Places, 40 x Jade Fragment and +30 CPs of Connected: The Orient, at the cost of ~500 CPs of Connected: The Docks.

No warning on the card that the cost has changed, which presumably means that any of the other competing connections cards could change without warning at any time. I find traps like this to be a bit frustrating, as I’ve been attempting to build up my connections across the board.

It seems they’re making connections much much harder to obtain across the board :/

I’ve heard this from others, too. Is there a reason to have large amounts of Connections that isn’t apparent to me at a non end-game level?

I think people just want high connections with everyone mostly for the sake of having something to do with their actions after they’ve done everything else they care to do. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head that needs a high level of connection(s), yet that doesn’t mean nothing will ever turn up to reward your efforts.

Some of us just have a deep-seated need to be liked!

And in my case, maintaining equal Connections makes it difficult for the rest of the world to guess what my character is really doing. :-)

For the most part, there is little reason to have a connection above 20 or so. The few things that require more are simply getting training from them, and using these new connection cards for the rewards they offer. Still, some people like to collect them. Myself included.

[quote=Tesuji]Choosing the Orient option gives you 1 x Favours in High Places, 40 x Jade Fragment and +30 CPs of Connected: The Orient, at the cost of ~500 CPs of Connected: The Docks.

No warning on the card that the cost has changed, which presumably means that any of the other competing connections cards could change without warning at any time. I find traps like this to be a bit frustrating, as I’ve been attempting to build up my connections across the board.[/quote]

If this is true, i think somebody who can draw the card should bug report this. If the description is still wrong this is a big issue. No way to know which cards you can safely play. I would be really frustrated to suddenly lose 500 CP of Connected without any warning.

Connections can usually be traded for a substantial quantity in various resources, so keeping all Connections high kinda ensures that should the need arise for an extra supply for specific resources (like, in this Feast of Exceptional Rose, Cryptic Secrets and Proscribed Materials), you can have some immediately ready without having to grind. Also, the game being still in progress, there’s no sure way to know when a change could arise that will require some substantial Connection value; think of the recent changes to the Criminals Opportunity cards, there are some resources (like Obstentatious Diamonds) that are only obtainable sacrificing some Connected. And who knows what could happen next :)

Actually, you can get Ostentatious Diamonds through pickpocketing. This just leaves Magnificent Diamonds, and it wouldn’t surprise me if those turned up somewhere else too (aside from the Fate-locked option on the Cheery Gentleman card). I know connections can be traded in for stuff, but I’m not sure if that’s much more than convenient. Future content may reward your efforts, but for the time being I don’t really see any big gameplay reason to have a high connection with everyone. Actually, the game might wind up rewarding you more for truly siding with a few connections, and just maintaining the others because they’re required for converting.

Put me in the Paranoid Preparatory category of players 'cause I’m seeking to acquire at least 100 in each faction. Story-wise, my character just likes being highly connected to the major players of the Fifth City to keep tabs on them, know the score, and to call in favors when necessary. I genuinely like certain factions such as the Urchins and Rubbery Men, so it’d only be appropriate to be extra chummy with them.

If the ending of the game allows me to condemn or aid certain factions, I’ll probably need a high Connected quality with the right ones. More likely, I’ll just reach the halfway or end point of a storyline and be unable to pick a certain route because my Connected quality is too low. :p For the fate-locked Christmas content, I wanted to select an University faction but I didn’t have any points there. I don’t want to run into this situation again!

My character has a particular antipathy towards a couple of factions–namely, the Church and the Constables–and tries to lose points in those connections whenever possible. I suppose that makes me something of an outlier then!

[quote=Zeedee]Put me in the Paranoid Preparatory category of players 'cause I’m seeking to acquire at least 100 in each faction. Story-wise, my character just likes being highly connected to the major players of the Fifth City to keep tabs on them, know the score, and to call in favors when necessary. I genuinely like certain factions such as the Urchins and Rubbery Men, so it’d only be appropriate to be extra chummy with them.

If the ending of the game allows me to condemn or aid certain factions, I’ll probably need a high Connected quality with the right ones. More likely, I’ll just reach the halfway or end point of a storyline and be unable to pick a certain route because my Connected quality is too low. :p For the fate-locked Christmas content, I wanted to select an University faction but I didn’t have any points there. I don’t want to run into this situation again![/quote]

Same sentiment here. A POSI is supposed to be well-known all over; plus, it makes sense for a schemer to have a large network of favors and friendships across London. I’ve been trying to raise Docks, and since there’s no great grind opportunities there outside conflict cards, I suppose the next 30 levels up to 100-Never Buy Your Own Drinks! will be a long, dark road with the new system.

It would be nice if the Connected ranks were rebalanced to reflect the new caps, limits and uses - suddenly, grinding up to Society 250 doesn’t seem so… well, it was never useful, but it doesn’t seem so wise to incentivise with a unique label.