Rare Items from 'Rob the Drunk'

Hey, can anyone tell me what the chance to get a Sword-Cane from robbing the soldier and the Ratwork Watch from robbing the Rattus Faber? I know it’s a rare success, but I’d like the numbers.

I am not certain, but I think I read before that it was around 1/200 for each.

Thanks! I remember getting it when I was robbing the soldier, but I failed to look at the stats and instead sold it in favor of my bag of fierce mint humbugs.
edited by Julias Stokes on 3/20/2016

I have ‘acquired’ three sword sticks this way. Sadly, for the uncounted drunken rats I have ‘assisted’, I have never acquired a watch. Someone really should do something about the lax morals of Spite’s rats. Are there not Ladies who start Good Causes for such miscreants?


[quote=Snotra]I have ‘acquired’ three sword sticks this way. Sadly, for the uncounted drunken rats I have ‘assisted’, I have never acquired a watch. Someone really should do something about the lax morals of Spite’s rats. Are there not Ladies who start Good Causes for such miscreants?

How many would you estimate you’ve ‘assisted’? I think i’ve gotten 5 watches in a number in the hundreds but not thousands.

The Sword Cane is +2 Persuasive, +2 Dangerous. Not particularly impressive, but a cool side-grade for the starter weapon (2 stats, instead of 1). With multiple &quotoutfits&quot, you can keep it for the alternative stat, even if you have the Persuasive/Dangerous starting weapon. The real draw for robbing the Soldier is the free healing tonic.

I read that the Rare Success of the Rat is around 1.5% It may be lower. Personally, I really want that watch… Way better than my current Watchful weapon.
edited by th8827 on 3/20/2016

How many would you estimate you’ve ‘assisted’? I think i’ve gotten 5 watches in a number in the hundreds but not thousands.[/quote]

I have almost 6000 fists full of surface currency, just now, and have sold some to the Bazaar. I’m sure I ‘found’ nearly all of it near drunken rats. Maybe I have been assisting the wrong caliber of rat.[/li][li]
edited by Snotra on 3/20/2016

I managed to get a watch after months of trying - on the same day the RNG gave me a Blemmigan Secretary. I can only assume my absence made it temporarily forget how much it hated me.
edited by Lady Eris on 3/20/2016

Got my first cane at my 80th successful attempt, another one at 94 and now, at 200, didn’t get my 3rd. As for the rat I’m still working on it.
The cane isn’t that great, but I found it very funny to be able to rob a drunk officer and steal his weapon! :D
EDIT: &quotrob a drunk officer&quot NOT &quotrub a drunk officer&quot :D
EDIT #2: Got another cane on my 205 successful attempt and still no watch from the rat!
edited by Skinnyman on 3/29/2016

Well managed to get a watch at my 40th-45th attempt to rob a drunk rat. I think I read that Grenem got one on the 38th.

I have been playing for more than 2 years and robbed the rat whenever I can and I only got 3 or 4 watches. I am not sure because I sold some due to being correspondent and not needing the watch. my ink is my weapon :)
so that 1,5% chance is about right. And since you cannot constantly do it, it can seem like forever.

I feel like i have really good luck with watches, though. I think i’m on my eighth. That doesn’t sound right, but lowering the number doesn’t sound right either. Definitely more than my fair share, unless i’ve robbed a ton of drunk rats, which, i suppose, i might have.

I’m almost afraid to say this, but I only figured out how robbing the Rat works in the past month and a half, and in that time my alt scored two Ratwork Watches and my main scored one. (If you’ve been working that storylet for a long time, please don’t hurt me…)

Some of you guys will probably want to kill me, but i’ve got the watch on my second rat on my main. Haven’t even got the whole robbing thing figured out yet, what is the incentive to keep going for rats after netting a watch?Why bother with the officer at all? Shadowy grind? Doesn’t look like that good of an ETA

The officer provides a nice little cache of pharmaceuticals as well as a rare success (cane); the rat corpse sells for 2.50 echoes.

Well, every watch sells for 230 echoes, if you get another. (Also, you get coins to scale with your shadowy on common success, so while the rewards on success may look lacklustre now, they’ll get better. maybe not good, but better- i’m getting 3.xx echoes per action in coins, and it keeps increasing by 3 pence per two points shadowy all the way up- including gear.)

The officer is nice in early game, as it gives both a pharmacutical (heal for 3 wounds at cost of one action) and .6 echoes in map scraps at shadowy 51, which, while not amazing, isn’t bad. The rare success is profitable enough to make it appealing to gambling types, too.