Quotes About Your Character

As opposed to quotes by your character, what are some memorable things people have said about your character?

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][Quote=Eglantine-Fox]&quotI say again, he is a teacher of theft to children, a director of lieutenants in crime! He is a gang leader who has killed his competition and is trying to get you to think he did a good thing in doing so!&quot [/quote][/color]

[color=#c2c2c2][Quote=kukapetal][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]BOOO! HISS! DOWN WITH CORRUPTION! DOWN WITH THE MASTERS’ BOOTLICKERS! AND DOWN WITH THIS FARCE OF A JUSTICE SYSTEM![/color]

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]UP WITH ELI! THE ONLY MAN WHO GAVE A D*MN![/quote][/color]
[color=#c2c2c2][quote=Bertrand Leonidas Poole][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I agree! Put the thing out of its misery! PUT MR. LOWE INTO HIS WELL DESERVED MISERY !&quot[/quote][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][quote=Professor Strix][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] [/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I have a deep respect for Mr Lowe, from our encounters in the Salon, but it does not mean that I approve what he has done.[/quote][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][quote=Amelia Syrus]&quotScapegoat.&quot[/quote][/color]
[color=#c2c2c2][quote=Passionario]&quot[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]You’re a good teacher, Mr. Lowe, and when it is your turn to disappear forever, I will be sad to see you go&quot[/quote][/color][color=#c2c2c2]
[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
edited by The Absurd Rogue on 7/4/2016

&quotAgent of the Masters, at least in the past. Granted, his new occupation is just as unhealthy to the unwary. Best not to get too close.&quot

&quotPretty sure [Feducci]'s like Passionario, but for the Presbyterate.&quot

&quotI’m a bit terrified for you. How under the earth…&quot

&quotThat’s what one gets for trying to learn from the best when the best are degenerating into cannibalistic horrors in thrall to an awful quest!&quot

&quotAre you the new Lilac?&quot

&quotReally, I hoped Passionario was dead…&quot

&quotI would say ‘poor Passionario’, but it’s Passionario.&quot


&quotYour character is an utter dickhead. Sorry, but that’s the truth.&quot

‘He should have known better than to think Passionario could give him anything other than suffering.’

&quotI can’t kill Passionario, can I?&quot

&quotEli: F***&quot
edited by Passionario on 6/9/2017

Edit: I’ll be adding onto this post as time passes, so as to not clutter this thread and allow others to comment.

In forum:

[quote=Lamia Lawless]&quotWhen will people learn to stop hitting on Miss Syrus?&quot[/quote]
I personally don’t think anything will ever top this.

Funny enough there was another version of this said outside of the forum. But I think this is the better version.

Outside of forum/In-game:

[quote=The Absurd Rogue]“More than that, you’ve proven yourself to be a smart and enterprising criminal, which is the exact type that this city deserves.&quot[/quote]
edited by Amelia Syrus on 7/9/2016


Friend: (Links me to an anecdote someone told that goes something like, &quotI was sitting at a diner drinking coffee and the waitress said, ‘Sorry for the tiny cups,’ and I blurted, ‘They sure are handsome little boys.’ And she just went silent and left and I can never eat here again.&quot (Sorry, I’d source if I could.))

Friend: This is Lamia

&quotShe sounds like Castiglione’s ideal,&quot another friend, who inspired me to incorporate that into my post about her background.
edited by Lamia Lawless on 6/30/2016

is flattered that Eli thought one of her character’s quotes was worth including

I’ve never thought about that before, but you got my curiosity. Time for some google-fu!

[quote=Morkan Kassington]She is easily the happiest and cleanest thing he has seen in his entire life. Possibly an exaggeration.[/quote][quote=Rupho Schartenhauer]Oh, Estelle, please… my eyes… ;)[/quote][quote=Lady Sapho Byron]&quotEstelle Knoht, a JUVENILE, unreliable and respectable lady.&quot
I’m just sayin’.[/quote][quote=Andrew Astherson]If something utterly bad will ever happen to that juvenile, unreliable and respectable lady, nearly all Londoners will be busy destroying their livers (or other correspondent organs) in various bars, pubs and less respectable booze houses during the following half of a year.[/quote][quote=suinicide]That level of luck demands a bigger sacrifice.[/quote][quote=Vavakx Nonexus]Estelle, you never cease to terrify.[/quote][quote=Zareen Bakara]Even in the CVR, you are known for your kindness. For someone so young, you’ve done much good.[/quote][quote=Anatasia Swansong]Estelle Knoht, a barely sentient girl.[/quote][quote=Jackson Jin]The name stings just to read, even without the face or reputation behind it. An impressed youth looking up to me for my exploits in revenge? A rival seeking a challenger to push them to their limits? I can scarcely imagine why.

And so I take a peek behind the curtain. The name is like a key freshly forged, scalding hot to the touch but so malleable in the locks it can undo.

Like peering into the darkness under the Neath, but so much more. A presence so undeniable, so potent, it gives me pause to have missed it until now.

A peek back at the card. A request. A simple request to use me as a contact.

I’m left turning over the card again, as I realize the gravity of my new situation.

I cannot say no. Who could?[/quote][quote=absimiliard]I’m sure she meant no harm, but she is thoughtless and careless. I love her dearly, but for all her respectability she can be a brat.[/quote][quote=phryne]Estelle, I do sometimes wonder about you, I do.[/quote]

I am getting conflicted signals here… Anyway, the most prestigious of them:

BFFs 4eva!


About the Professor:

[quote=Morkan Kassington]1) The Professor was Semi-Respectable with rumours of bloodsucker surrounding her, but he didn’t expect her to be literally bloodthristy.
2) She doesn’t look like a man.[/quote]

[quote=Amelia Syrus]Amelia watches as the professor leave. She says nothing nor attempts to follow after her. It’s pointless to be an annoyance to someone who clearly wants space. But once the voice of reason departs the Salon itself descends into anarchy.

About Derek:

(Sorry if i forgot any. I had so much fun looking for those.)


[color=#c2c2c2][quote=shadowcthuhlu][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]&quotWell, I can hardly be the one to complain about misuse of a corpse. . .&quot[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] [/quote][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][quote=Bertrand Leonidas Poole][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Bertrand quietly and calmly walks toward the two arivals, taking out an atomizer from his Gladstone bag, gently and invasively spritzing the face of woman that just walked in.[/quote][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][quote=Professor Strix][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Ah, Mr Lowe. Mr Fungus.[/quote][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][quote=kukapetal][/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]ALSO, I’M SO GLAD YOU AND EZEKIEL ARE OKAY. I WAS AFRAID I WAS GONNA HAVE TO ADD YOU GUYS TO THE SAD DRAWING HANGING ON THE WALL.[/color][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)] [/quote][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]For EZ[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]

Updated mine.

On Gideon Stormstrider (mostly from IRC, discussing the Shade Hunt):


Also yes.

edited by JimmyTMalice on 6/20/2017