Question about BDR...

So I’ve finally resolved to take this whole Paramount Presence thing seriously and am grinding Notability for my second attribute cap now – and I suddenly noticed that, for reasons I can’t immediately see, I must have a couple points less BDR than I used to have. 14 Notability is going to cost me 41 Making Waves, which is the same as it was last round – but that’s AFTER I picked up another couple points of Respectable by remarrying recently. Is there a way to see where my BDR is coming from, in terms of properties? I’m wondering whether my tattoos have stopped applying, or whether there’s some kind of cap, or…Well, I’m not sure what else it could be.

Are you sure you’re using all of your best gear? If you’ve got 20 weapons or 30+ companions, it’s easy to forget which of these blamed things is most useful. This is doubly true for items like transport that don’t appear on the front page.

Tattoo BDR is visible as the number immediate after the trait in question, as in the 1 in Bizarre 1+4.

I checked the equipment you have on right now and, counting two tattoos, you should have 31 BDR, if I’m not mistaken. The maximum BDR possible as of right now is 33 BDR, and for that, you would need a Rubbery spouse and the Seven-Fold Knock, and so I believe 31 BDR is the correct value.

With 31 BDR, the appropriate amount of Making Waves needed to reach 14 Notability is 41 Making Waves, so the numbers seem correct to me.

Cool! Now I’m wondering if I benefited from a better-than-normal calculation on my first round on that carousel, and will shut up rather than disturb the universe. :) I appreciate all of your input.

[quote=Azothi]I checked the equipment you have on right now and, counting two tattoos, you should have 31 BDR, if I’m not mistaken. The maximum BDR possible as of right now is 33 BDR, and for that, you would need a Rubbery spouse and the Seven-Fold Knock, and so I believe 31 BDR is the correct value.

With 31 BDR, the appropriate amount of Making Waves needed to reach 14 Notability is 41 Making Waves, so the numbers seem correct to me.[/quote]
Wow! Here I am with 26 BRD, and I thought I was doing alright. :-p
But 31/33? That’s huge! :-D

[quote=Kittenpox][quote=Azothi]I checked the equipment you have on right now and, counting two tattoos, you should have 31 BDR, if I’m not mistaken. The maximum BDR possible as of right now is 33 BDR, and for that, you would need a Rubbery spouse and the Seven-Fold Knock, and so I believe 31 BDR is the correct value.

With 31 BDR, the appropriate amount of Making Waves needed to reach 14 Notability is 41 Making Waves, so the numbers seem correct to me.[/quote]
Wow! Here I am with 26 BRD, and I thought I was doing alright. :-p
But 31/33? That’s huge! :-D[/quote]

He did say that he recently acquired a new Spouse if the Spouse is Rubbery, I believe that alone gives 3 BDR.

I myself have 27 BDR. One of those points I got by spending Fate.

After reading this more carefully, I don’t know that there’s a problem of any kind. The MW cost goes up with every Notability level. If you’ve picked up just enough points of BDR, that might offset the MW increase and leave you with the same MW requirement as before–which is precisely the process you just described. It seems that all shall be well.

As I understand it, the formula for required MW is (current Notability x4) + 20 - BDR. So if you just arrived at 13, that should have cost you 68-BDR, and if that came to 41 then you must have had 27 BDR at that point. To get to 14 Notability, the cost should be 72-BDR, so if you have 31, then the cost should indeed be 41. So either you have gained 4 points of max BDR or you forgot to equip something last time and spent a bit more MW than you might have.