I’m hoping to find a patron of Invisible Eminence to help with Shadowy.
Current unaltered stats:
Watchful 84
Shadowy 52
Dangerous 59
Persuasive 95
Username is Norathar and my character is currently rather poor, having spent all her Echoes in purchasing an entry in Slowcake’s and a bright brass reliquary with the eventual goal of having a marriage at Zee. (After that, her next goal is an expedition involving being a Scholar of the Correspondence, and hopefully opening a way to the University.)
Edit: Patron found! (Also, thank you to the person who kindly offered to be my Patron a few hours after the first person had responded. The game isn’t allowing me to respond to you at the moment, so hopefully you’ll see this.) edited by norathar on 6/29/2017
If I was of a kind to rate my talents numerically, I’d say that without any tricks or costumery, I’d be:
[ul][li]76 watchful,[/li][li]118 shadowy,[/li][li]76 dangerous,[/li][li]128 persuasive.[/li][/ul]I do hope one of you bright and keen detectives en herbe will take me under your wing… I am most interested in learning your trade. Most interested. But it’s pure intellectual curiosity, mind. I certainly am not hoping to learn how to circumvent any insistent gentlemen in blue. Not at all.
Dans l’espoir que vous voudrez bien accéder à ma demande, je vous prie d’accepter l’expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.
A.L. edited by Armel Lopin on 6/29/2017
I, Coldarra, former governor of the isles of Ascension find myself down on my luck (and down in the Neath one could say). I am currently in search of a mentor, a Shattering Force, who could perhaps improve my woeful skill in dueling.
My talents are varied and uninspired, though I hope they will not turn any away for I am eager to learn.
35 Watchful
82 Shadowy
15 Dangerous
57 Persuasive
I look forward to making an acquaintance and hopefully a long lasting friendship with a patron of Shattering Force.
Coldarra, Former Governor of Ascension.
P.S. my favorite riddle comes from a source lost to time itself - ‘What is in my pocket?’ edited by Coldarra on 6/29/2017
Hello! I recently invited a friend (my wife, in fact) to Fallen London, and she graciously accepted. Her name is Nettie Taylor and she’s not quite enjoying herself as much as I’d hoped, but she’s making a good run of it and giving everything a chance. Nettie’s interested in studying under an Extraordinary Mind, and is willing to meet at Dante’s or elsewhere to speak. Her recent results on a government exam rated her Watchfulness at 18, Shadowyness at 19, Dangerousness at 18, and Persuasiveness at 17, all out of a possible 200.
Thank you for any and every help you can offer. A neighbor has been kind enough to make room in the attic for her, but I expect that she’ll contribute significantly to our society. She is most interested in finding ways to compete and advance with or against others, and has a very competitive spirit. Thank you again for your prospective help.
Hello there! I’m currently looking for an Invisible Eminence to help improve my Shadowy. Here are my current unmodified stats:
Watchful - 80
Shadowy - 77
Dangerous - 73
Persuasive - 97
Thank you in advance :D
I’m a servant of the truth and a seeker of knowledge. As such, I’m currently investigating the ruins of the Lost Quarter. While, up until now, I’ve done rather good by myself alone, I’ve found out that help by people who … know their ways around town, so to speak, is of the essence.
Therefore, I’m looking for an Invisible Eminence to help me with the darker parts in my quest for the light of knowledge.
Greetings, all. I am Revalis, and I would be honoured to have An Invisible Eminence as my patron.
At present, my base stats are as follows:
Watchful: 95
Shadowy: 52
Dangerous: 71
Persuasive: 87
As far as information about myself goes… I am kind when it suits me, to those I feel are worthy of kindness. Though I can just as easily be cruel where that would provide me with greater gain. I am loyal to my friends, though if I am betrayed I will bide my time, then seek vengeance at a time when you least expect.
I am extremely fond of devils, perhaps to an unsafe degree. Still, I have yet to lose my soul, so that should serve as some small reassurance. As is implied by this, I am of course closest to Hell.
As a general rule, I try to embody the aesthetic that I feel devils represent. As such, I enjoy the company of high society individuals, as well as those of intellectual or artistic talent. I respect the authority of the Masters of the bazaar and will assist them when I am reasonably confident my efforts will be recognised, however I have no intention of following all the rules and laws that they have set out. I have a soft spot for tentacled folk, and respect for the tomb colonists and clay men.
I have little interest in associating with revolutionaries or members of the church, as I find their motivations to be incredibly dull.
I believe that covers everything of importance, so I thank any potential patrons for taking the time to read this introduction. edited by Revalis on 7/12/2017
I am a newcomer to London seeking to improve the Neath in whatever little ways I can (and of course improving it for myself)and its recently come to my attention that my lacking physical prowess is preventing this, especially when you need to rough someone up a bit for the greater good. I would appreciate a Shattering Force to give me a hand in rectifying this.
My unaugmented stats are
Dangerous 17
Persuasive 61
Shadowy 37
I look forward to hearing from a Shattering Force willing to help us achieve our common goals.
I now have a Patron and no longer currently need support. edited by JaggedMallard on 7/23/2017
When I was very young, and dared to speak back to my mother, she would threaten that the gypsies would come take me away. So at night, I would pray for the day that would happen. One day, they came. I never looked back. I began to look forward, pushed by flashes of visions, feelings of dread, and general foretelling, able to see a few branches of fate while my eyes were closed. And yet, they never believe me…
W 5, S 7, D 5, P 19
I suppose I need A Legendary Charisma [Persuasive] but please advise if another works well also.
If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don’t have it. What is it?
A very good day to all sirs, and madams, and otherwise.
I’ll not waste your time with a long tale. My reason for writing is this: my father – a sincerely respectable man – is a sea-- sorry, zee-captain of many years, but, to this day, has told me sadly little of London, and the Neath at large. And so, of course, I’ve found myself profoundly curious about it.
Recently, I decided to act on this interest of mine. Freshly arrived (fresh off the boat, in fact), it is my intention to find lodgings here in London and then surprise my father at the docks when he next arrives at port. As I am fully aware he will be furious (Furious! Absolutely livid. Such fun already), I believe it would be in my best interest to make some commitments – a few not-to-be-missed engagements – lest he be tempted to escort me back to the Canal himself.
With that in mind, I would greatly appreciate any opportunity to accompany, and take note of, a long-time resident of character. If nothing else I am a quick study, and – if I do say so myself – make a very fine cup of tea.
Yours faithfully,
Harriet Sorrows
EDIT: Excellent news! The knowledgeable Mr. Hebediah Fix, has taken me under his wing. edited by Pipedream on 7/27/2017 edited by Pipedream on 7/27/2017
Oh, come to think of it – I should also throw in a word for my new friend Miss Chandler, shouldn’t I? They had arranged for someone to look after her, she tells me, but… well. She doesn’t like to impose, you see. Kind woman. Very considerate. Unfailingly polite. I’m not quite sure how she is at tea, but she can, ah… she can knit! Oh yes indeed. She’s very talented. Such a fine protégé would be of interest to anyone.
But, for the sake of… that is, to make such a surely fortuitous arrangement even more of a pleasure for all involved, I recommend she be considered by those of a reserved nature. A member of the clergy or one of its associates would be wonderful. Perhaps a historian would do? No – terrible idea. Forget that one.
Just-- Look, no ‘frequenters’ of any ‘hives of sin’. Please. Before you consider contacting her, I would ask that you use the broadest definition of that phrase you can possibly imagine.
And do not mention my name. edited by Pipedream on 7/27/2017 edited by Pipedream on 8/1/2017
Good day. I’m a recent arrival to this quaint place we call the "Neath", yet my few weeks here have been… quite unusual, to say the least. I’ve tasted undescriptable delights and faced a most horrible monster, embarked on dangerous expeditions and met all sorts of people. I’ll be honest, I even have been to prison twice, once unjustly, and once on my own accord. I’ve seen death, both true and the Neathly variant.
But then again, haven’t we all? I’m sure many have travelled the same path. To put it this way, I’ve been… interested in this "fake death" I’ve mentioned. A most curious event, that leads to unexpected opportunities. Snuffers, zee-monsters, devils, tomb colonists… I want to see. Experiment. Make their blood run free, and see if they come back. So far, I have only seen three people die permanently by my own hand.
Regretfully, it is not enough. I want to see more. I’ve heard of those "Licenciates". Living shadows with a name on their list. I will become one. But first, I need to see. Truly see. There are secrets that one must learn. Yet my eye is not good enough for the task. I need a master. An extraordinary mind.
Rest assured, I am a good student, and I will not forget my debts.
Firstly, I should like to address the rumour that my leaving the Convent in Italy was due to my dalliance with a noted privateer. There is no truth to such, whatsoever! The dalliance was only the icing upon a particularly salty cake.
I was banished (by the pope himself, should you doubt my notability!) for selling church-lead from the roof to a Handsome Devil of my acquaintance, and from Italy as a cautionary tale for negotiating my virtue with flagrant abandon.
I’ve since been experiencing many of the pleasures denied to me by the church, and came to London following Feducci’s election, and promises of boundless opportunity. If you are to know anything of me, know this; one day, I intend to be the richest and most scandalous of persons, above or below.
…Unfortunately, some ruffians appear to have followed me from Italy. Some advice on keeping a Watchful eye out for them would be much appreciated - or if I cannot find tutelage under Sinning Jenny, anyone else who might help me Persuade Mr. Apples to back me instead.
Persuasive: 6
Watchful: 5
Shadowy: 5
Dangerous: 5
"If you have me, you want to share me. But if you share me, you no longer have me. What am I?"
P.S. I had quite the affinity for parakeets, before selling them to the Foreign Office. Strange bunch, but most generous.
Hello fellow Londoners. I found myself in this city long ago. I even started getting accustomed to it. One could say I… developed a fondness for Spite. But I found something. I know not what. All I know is I danced with The Shadows… beautiful…fragrant…velvet…a strike of red…
But yes, it seems much has happened during my waltz. I wish to sharpen my knowledge of this, once again, for me, New London. I can dance with them once again, I know I can
I seek An Extraordinary Mind to help me develop my skills. If any of you would be so kind, I’d be honored to help you in any way. I have a fondness for cats as well, and chess, and bats, and shadows…
Having reached something of an impasse in my investigations into a significant passing, of which I will speak no more, I seek the assistance of an Invisible Eminence to further the development of my skills in areas which may be of some assistance to my quest.