Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Hello, my delicious dears!

As this thread suggests I am jonesing for a Patron. A companion. Someone who doesn’t mind standing eloquently in a corner while I stare vacantly at them with stormy eyes.
Currently, my stats are as follows:
Watchful- 61
Shadowy- 62
Dangerous- 79
Persuasive- 101

I am looking for Patrons to hopefully train me in all arts but the art of persuasion. Who am I? I am but a gentleman of luxury. A Sybarite of life’s pleasures. An Intimate of demons and tomb colonists and, really, any decent fellow that walks my way. Prisoner’s Honey anyone? I am currently jumping from storylet to storylet experiencing all that I currently can. RP? Occasionally, when the whim takes me.

I can’t wait to make your acquaintances!~

Hello! I am looking for help with anything but my persuasive!

Hello, London people. There is no thread for patrons so I’m announcing here: I’m a Legendary Charisma and I wouldn’t mind a protégé. Write me an in-game message and we will see to it that your star rise rocket-quick:

Greetings and salutations friend,

After a most erroneous imprisonment and most daring escape, I find myself seeking the inspiration which only the patronage and comradery of a Shattering Force can supply!

Though currently engaged as a Rat-Catcher, I assure you that I am a hunter at heart friend, of of beasts and of truths. It is my grand ambition to stuff and mount the very Vake itself!

Good fortune would seem to have one quality in common with misfortune, that of never coming singly and your patronage would find me thrice fortunate. Though if it should be attended with inconvenience, pray stand upon no ceremony and assume no obligation.


Your future comrade-in-arms,
Lieutenant Sven Freidman

Good day to all, I’m looking for a Patron of Most Esteemed Charisma.

My humble credentials
Watchful 17
Shadowy 27
Dangerous 17
Persuasive 66

I look forward to delightful evenings enriching minds and captivating hearts.
edited by Caerulo on 9/10/2016

hello, I am seeking a patron in the shadowy arts. [li]
roughly 100 in all other stats but shadowy is 66
character name is agonyzyr

Greetings, all. I am a newcomer to the systems of Fallen London, seeking a patron to assist in improving my watchful or dangerous.

My current base stats as of the time of posting are:

Dangerous: 77
Watchful: 25
Shadowy: 16
Persuasive: 14

I’m not too interested in roleplaying my character.

I’m not much one for riddles, either. I generally prefer cutting the knot to untangling it.
edited by Macecurb on 9/18/2016


I’ve been in the Neath for a while now, and need some assistance with Dangerous or Shadowy, preferably the former, to become a Person of Some Importance. I play Fallen London a lot. I also have a tendency to not do anything about my menaces, barring Plagued By A Popular Song.

Current Stats:
Watchful: 127
Persuasive: 116
Dangerous: 100
Shadowy: 56

I don’t have eyes, but I did once see. Once I had thoughts, but now I’m empty. What am I?

EDIT: Narcomanic has become my patron in the arts of War. Thank you kindly.
EDIT 2: I doubt people will see this now. Ah well. I still require assistance in Shadowy. Thank you to anyone who sees this and can help.
EDIT 3: Assistance is no longer required. With a Mood, I got Shadowy high enough to cross the line of becoming a POSI.
edited by Sp33d0n on 9/28/2016
edited by Sp33d0n on 10/31/2016
edited by Sp33d0n on 11/6/2016

Vincent is currently
W 103
S 80
D 109
P 110

I’d like some help with Shadowy!

Greetings to you all.

I am relatively new to this area, but am keen to make a name for myself and seek patronage in each of the arts, although I seem to struggle more with Shadow Arts than anything else.

Should any kind souls be willing to nurture an avid mind and a keen student, I would be most grateful.

Greetings. my alt: would like a watchful mentor. EDIT: mentor found.

In addition, the signature account could provide anyone in this thread who’s still looking with watchful mentorship, but I’d really rather you send me a calling card and explicit request, rather than the other way round.
edited by Grenem on 10/10/2016

Ah! Yes! Hello! My profile in the description should help. My alias is TopHatJ, I am a… strange gentleman. My base stats are as follows. W68 S17 D62 P68. I am not picky in what the Patron will specialize in, as I have reason to increase every stat. Oh, my favorite riddle? I have to go with a classic. [quote=]What goes on four in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening? [/quote] The answer is a human.

EDIT: Lolwolfking is now my patron. My apologies to anyone who has made preparations for me. You know who you are.
edited by jkhero73 on 9/20/2016

UPDATE: Skinnyman has become my Watchful Patron. I still welcome other masters to meet my acquaintance.

I will keep it quite succinct, as nightfall is never deep enough to swallow every ship I have to sink.
For those who operate under the pretense of knowing me, the name is most informally Dr. TrinityVee.
The Odds are first, I do fear, that no one will believe that you’ve seen me here; secondly, that I will be seeing much of you between the alley and the loo.

I accept everything, for I am partial to sordid affairs of each and every sort.

W 20
S 23
D 17
P 26

I would prefer to meet with a master of the shadows, but I’ve never been known to pass up a delicious opportunity. Maybe we can discuss the latest in fungal literature and swap Nightmares?
Just leave a fish on the top step of the flophouse. Zapista the Grubby Kitten will ensure a timely response.

Lighter than what I am made of,
More of me is hidden than is seen,
I am the bane of the mariner,
A tooth within the sea.
Speak my name.

edited by ZestyWedges on 9/29/2016

The Lady Kourkoumpina is looking for a patron that can help her become what she is meant to be.

Although she is good in… many things her talents are of a more calculated and brutal persuasion.

As she is already very close to being of some importance in cases of being a dangerous individual, being vigilant might be for the best!

Dangerous 109
Watchful 70
Persuasive 62
Shadowy 53

Hey you all,

Henry the Squirll VII, currently living in the Flit, are lookin for a master of books or fists.

Let us meet some place in the fifth city and speak about either fist techniques or the corespondence.

There stats are:

Dangerous: 76
Watchful: 74
Shadowy: 102
Persuasive: 102

I have found a mad mastermind to teach me about the correspondence.
edited by Henry the Squirl VII on 10/7/2016

New Fallen Londoneer named: Oblis_ is looking for a patron, a master, an artist some would say
Watchful: 27
Shadowy: 17
Dangerous: 44
Persuasive: 71
I am interested in learning the ways of a quick mind and a charming smile.

Greetings Good Fellows,

The name’s Aramazon. You may have heard of me from my recent tragic play in the Empress’s Court. When I’m not writing and creating I do actually work as a journalist. That said, I’m trying to work on my Watchfulness for that reason and would be interested in finding an Extraordinary Mind to learn from.

My Stats are:
W: 42
S: 44
D: 53
P: 95

Cheerio. Oh, and a riddle.

A barrel of rainwater
weighs twenty pounds.
What must you add
to make it weigh fifteen?

The answer is quite simply…

Greetings fellow Fallen Londoners,

I am seeking a patron for, well, anything really. I’m certainly not picky.

My current base stats are:

[color=#c2c2c2]W 71[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]S 74[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]D 76[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]P 83[/color]

Even should you not desire to be my patron, I am very amenable to social action of every sort.

I (Melissa Edgecombe) am looking for a patron for Shadowy, as it is the only stat preventing me from becoming a POSI.
My current stats are:

W: 80
S: 69
D: 75
P: 84

I, Anon Ymous (, seek a Legendary Charisma to help me on my sky-rocketing entrance in the high society of the Neath. My current stats are as follows:
Watchful 60
Shadowy 50
Dangerous 51
Persuasive 54
Looking forward to meeting new people to dable in the Great Game, also…