I’m Seeking. Very very slowly (probably won’t even have the Chains by next FoER, honestly).
(It’s going to be a long, slow journey. But there are Heart’s Desires and Universities and other such treats to unlock. Just became Closest to Great Game, which seemed the right sort of path for a secrets-searcher, and have now officially acquired a route to the Quarter that I unlocked several dozen levels of Watchful ago…I’m new to the gameplay, but know quite a bit about the lore.)
Update: I no longer need a Watchful Patron. But my Persuasive (77), Dangerous (86) and Shadowy (62) are still low enough I could use some help.
(forgot the riddle. Hmm, something suitably period?
"As I went over London Bridge, I met my sister Jenny - I broke her neck and drank her blood and left her standing empty.") edited by Teaspoon on 7/22/2016
Derek would benefit from any patrons that want to take him into their wings for a little while just so he can readapt to human society and get the final push to become a stronger POSI. He does need to get good at something profitable and job counsel will be appreciated. (By me, that is, not him. He is quite comfortable raiding my pantry.)
Xcea is a feminine, yet genderless individual who enjoys the darker, artistic talents and love engaging in mysterious actions. As of someone new, they are still developing and open to any and all mentors possible. Also they’s be pleased to engage in any social interaction you wish!
Stats: Watchful: 19, Shadowy: 16, Dangerous: 19, Persuasive: 22
Once again any mentoring is appreciated and even anyone just willing to make my acquaintance is welcome!
Prof. Xcea, connoisseur of the dark, mysterious arts
Hullo, pleasure to meet you all. I’m Emmanuel Innsmouth. Yes, the author and poet, and yes thank you, it is just charming to be recognized.
ANYway, I was hoping to achieve, well you see, a sort of patron in order to help move things along a tish careerwise. It’s all going marvelously of course, and I am quite well received actually at the Palace. But every so often things go a bit, well, sideways and I manage to pick up an ever so small amount of Scandal and the blasted things just do add up, don’t they. Completely understandable among worldly sorts such as ourselves but you know what they say, when bats fly overhead you either stand under a ledge or wash your hat.
And if anyone were able to give me a bit of a leg up in Watchful or Shadowy it would be ever so helpful.
[edit] A great thanks to my newfound patron Ms. Bleustar. Of all things in London, her beauty is praised penultimately, saving only her wit as superior. edited by NJDFan on 7/4/2016
New to the Neath and looking for a Watchful or Shadowy Patron to take me under their metaphorical (or literal?) wing.
-Watchful: 23 -Shadowy: 15 -Dangerous: 28 Persuasive: 41 http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/kipling
My name’s Kipling and what I lack in knowledge, I hope to make up for with diligence and determination.[li]
EDIT: Now under the Watchful eye of the venerable Hebediah Fix. Thank you! edited by Kipling on 7/5/2016
Let’s go straight to business, shall we, delicious friends? I am seeking a Patron to assist me in my… pursuits… in the Neath. Any sort is accepted, truly, though perhaps an Eminence would be the most welcome. As for me? My name is Teyo. I think that should be enough to get on with, don’t you? Everyone is a stranger at some point, after all.
I am looking for an Invisible Eminence or Extraordinary mind to take me under their wing and teach me their ways. I am keen to learn and excited to get started!
Aspiring Bohemian Ginevra Cresse, seeking a Shadowy (pref) or Dangerous patron. (Rediscovering the Neath with a new persona since the mobile release, missed the boat on patrons last time round)
Current stats:
Watchful 36, Dangerous 11, Shadowy 11, Persuasive 75.
You have my most particular thanks in advance, friend.
I am looking for a patron. I am a merchant with a literary interest, currently working as a minor poet. I started out more than a year ago in Fallen London, but have not visited Fallen London for almost a year. I returned because of the election and started to support the Bishop of Southwark. I quickly found out that my attributes were not enough to succeed as a campaigner. Even my best attribute, persuasive, was not enough to win an election flash lay :(.
My stats:
Watchful: 29
Shadowy: 16
Dangerous: 23
Persuasive: 46
All of my attributes need to be raised, but Shadowy seems to be the hardest attribute to develop.
I am looking for an invisible eminence to train the rest of my shadowy.
My stats are as follows:
Watchful 9
Shadowy 70
Dangerous 53
Persuasive 10
I would also appeeciate my mentor helping me learn the finer points of fallen london thank you. http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Dane~Jacques~Kingsley~Falkiner edited by Viral on 7/13/2016
Congenital Pedant (Watchful 85, Shadowy 93, Dangerous 93, Persuasive 90) would like to meet an Invisible Eminence for Shadowy advancement. Other stats appear to be moving along nicely, but Shadowy is a bit difficult to keep chugging along it seems. (I blame the 3-Action storylets in A Name Whispered in Darkness 5-6.)
The Pedant is an Author whose primary ethic is the pursuit of Truth at any cost. Did I say, "any cost"? He isn’t totally mad: when forced to decide recently, he chose to be Free of the Name. He feels reasonably at home in Fallen London, but has not had much of a social life until now so is willing to learn what mixing with other Londoners can be like. He is not a Fate spender or an Exceptional Friend, and does not expect to be, although is tempted now and again by some of the stories.
His favourite riddle is more of a mathematical joke
UPDATE: The Pedant now exceeds the 100th Degree in all major Qualities, with thanks to his former tutor, the excellently invisible and sinister Hark DeGaul. No further tuition required, although who knows? Correspondence courses in, well, Correspondence may be on offer at some point. edited by Wooster on 8/24/2016
Tea Duck, a perilous and insightful individual of indeterminate gender, is seeking an Invisible Eminence!
Current stats: Watchful 56, Shadowy 43, Dangerous 57, Persuasive 45.
I was a player a long, long time ago, but my original account was purged and the friends I joined with have moved on. I’m really enjoying all the new content!
GrandeDame, a captivating and insightful individual of mysterious and indistinct gender, would be honored to become connected with a Patron.
The aid of any eminent person would be met with gratitude, but a Legendary Charisma would be particularly auspicious.
Watchful 64
Shadowy 35
Dangerous 42
Persuasive 67
I only escaped to Fallen London a few weeks ago, but I have been tenaciously pursuing the interests of Sinning Jenny since the campaign began, and have achieved a Fixer Career of 12. I believe I have been increasing my qualities at an acceptable rate, but am slightly perplexed by the economic system, and any hints as to how to get ahead would be most kind. Right now, I have a seemingly large horde of disconnected items.
Felicitations to you all!
Fortune has smiled upon me in the form of an intriguing patron. Of course, if you want to fight over me, I couldn’t possibly interfere. edited by GrandeDame on 7/18/2016
In particular I could really use some assistance with my Shadowy abilities. I too have had a harder time in trying to get that quality up. Or, barring that, a helping hand with Dangerous or Persuasive would be nice too. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
A young lady taps her fingernails and stifles a yawn. Her name is Wasp, and she is seeking guidance from those with sticky-fingers. Wasp herself is of a charming disposition, but one with such selfish, hedonistic tendencies can grow tired of using words to acquire what one needs. The tap-tap’s of her fingers stops as she raises her gaze to look you in the eyes. Her lips crack a devilish grin.
(This message is currently out of date; it will be updated later)
Good day, Londoners. I am looking for someone who could help me to discover London and especially its social traditions. Prime stat is not that important.
My current stats are:
W: 50
S: 30
D: 59
P: 28 edited by Barrogh on 7/20/2016