Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Stumbled into Fallen London about two weeks ago and now looking for a patron.
Currently at:
Watchful 21
Shadowy 52
Dangerous 17
Persuasive 66

I know they are my current strong suits, but I would like patronage in shadows and persuasion (in that order). Did I understand correctly that I can have more than one patron? If so, I would like one of each please!

What can you destroy just by naming it?

Greetings! I’m relatively new to Fallen London and looking for a patron, obviously.

My username is Grubnash and my current stats are :
Watchful 61
Shadowy 38
Dangerous 46
Persuasive 40

I would like patronage in the Shadowy Arts, to better understand the criminal mind and methods without getting my hands too dirty.

Friends and friend-like folks, I’m in search of some patronage: an advocate, a teacher, perhaps. I’m a linguist, a lover of language, a skinner-of-things, a tanner-of-skins, and an occasional mud-whistling champion. I’m no riddle-master; quite the opposite, in fact.

I’m Jei Di in Fallen London. My stats are as follows:
Dangerous: 45
Shadowy: 37
Watchful: 56
Persuasive: 32

I’d like a patron’s aid in increasing Shadowy or Persuasive.

Good evening fellow delicious friends, I seek patronage in the fields of deduction and schoolarly pursuits.

My public name is Yoru Sulphur and my current stats:
Dangerous: 62
Shadowy: 107
Watchful: 62
Persuasive: 116

If one of you kind fellows would help me improve my watchful, I would be really grateful.

Greetings friends,

First off, yes my name does not fit Fallen London at all, but it’s my general gaming name and I didn’t think things through when I first registered. If I ever get 15 fate… I’ll still not change it because I’d rather get new content.

Ahem With that out of the way, I am currently seeking a shadowy patron. Here are my stats:
Watchful: 113
Shadowy: 89
Dangerous: 54
Persuasive: 104

I am an esteemed scholar, who believes knowledge is the key to ultimate power. Not that there’s any real reason I’d need much power, but it’s nice to have.
That said, obtaining influence and leverage in the less academic circles of society is also nice, and can get you some very nice things; with this in mind, I occasionally debase myself by mingling with the frivolous nobles and other palace-dwellers. To further my standing, I even had to have a few romances in my time! Can you imagine! Needless to say, I have only kept minimum contact necessary to upkeep my network after these affairs, and any mementos are going on sale as soon as a lucrative opportunity presents itself.

If possible, I choose the path of greatest gain in all circumstances. For instance, despite my disdain for the creatures, I have had a few dealings with devils, for the goods they supply come in handy at times. I have also on occasion participated in rather questionable and discreet ventures, usually to… ahem obtain… some much-needed funds, for my academic and other endeavours. That said, that is by no means my main occupation; at the same time, shadowy qualities certainly help in the gathering of secrets, which are valuable to me, which is why I would be grateful for a kind patron to further my skills in this area.

What else to say?.. I am fascinated by the Masters, as well as the Correspondence and the Bazaar, though these latter should come as no surprise. I have good connections in the Church, and pride myself on my austerity. My occupation makes me a frequent visitor to the Mirror-Marshes, and despite their ever-shifting nature I believe I have come to know them quite well. /You may also have noticed that in a fight, I am no more dangerous than a drunk rubbery man; indeed, I do not like to engage in physical activities first-hand. It is always so much more convenient to learn of a better, more discreet way to achieve my goals, or if that fails, call in a favour with some of my acquaintances - yes, I have contacts even among the criminals and revolutionaries, for this very purpose./ Never mind, I decided to skip on character building and just enjoy the content, so I’m training Dangerous too now.

If you should choose to become my patron, I am convinced we can achieve a mutually beneficial relationship,

Yours faithfully,

Dudebro Pyro
(On second thought, signing letters and messages with this is so awkward that I might just get 15 fate for a do-over.)
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 5/25/2016

Having recently escaped from New Newgate, I find myself disappointed by how my vitality has withered. I am a shade! A wraith! Bereft!

I seek a patron - any patron, though a fellow author (whose name will, I must confess, be shortly ground 'neath my slipper; full disclosure is important, I believe) would be ideal - to return me to my formerly hale and vigorous state. It is worth your while to do so. I am the greatest author in the Neath.

I also have a penchant for dresses. Such things one can conceal under a dress.

W: 59
S: 17
D: 20
P: 66
edited by Egard Errick on 5/29/2016

Hello Delicious Friends

As a detective of some renown, having spent many restless nights working ladybones road and more recently the forgotten quarter, I find myself in a dillema with no easy solution. I have reached a point where it no longer seems prudent to continue on alone and as such am searching for a patron of similar disposition to further my abilities.

Watchful: 83
Shadowy: 57
Dangerous: 28
Persuasive: 39

While I am searching for a patron with an extraordinary mind, I would be more than happy to have a patron for any and all stats.

Cordially yours,

I have a bed but never sleep, I have a mouth but never eat.

As of now I have an extraordinary mind, I am no longer searching actively for one, however I am still quite fond of random acquaintances.
edited by Zekai on 5/20/2016

Evening, all, I trust you’re doing well. I’m rather strong already, but progress does so tend to slow down as you become more experienced and less is availible to learn. As such, I would like to request aid from a patron to teach me more of the fine art of hitting something until it dies. My core stats are as follows:

Watchful: 64
Shadowy: 43
Dangerous: 83
Persuasive: 54

I suppose a patron would also be welcome for helping me round out a few of my other stats, but my main concern here is to become a force to shake the Neath and slay great beasts.

Gaius I.
edited by Gaius on 5/19/2016

Hi guys, girls and squishes. I am looking for a patron for my shadow skills but I will gladly accept any patron.
Watchful: 17
Shadowy: 42
Dangerous: 9
Persuasive: 25

I eagerly await your reply.

Lavender Flower

Good day/afternoon/evening/time-where-there-is-no-time,
I’m Zephyrmoth, and besides probably spending too much of my time on this forum at the present, I’m in the market for a patron ideally for Watchful/Persuasive, though Shadowy is just as well (I could easily grind Dangerous if necessary for several more skill points, and it’s a waste of a free evening.)
Watchful: 77
Shadowy: 39
Dangerous: 26
Persuasive: 72
In the Neath, I’m a rakish Renaissance man: scholar, author, vaguely tolerated in the court, and abnormally close to Devils, through a series of decisions that I don’t bother to regret as long as the wine and honey keep flowing. My goals are to be famous, admired, rich, and not waiting out my notoriety in the Tomb Colonies (not necessarily in that order). Sure, some of the more respectable of your lot might balk at the evidence I’ve sent packages of Rattus Faber hitmen (mislabled!) to people and sacrificed small animals to some stone idol I found laying around for the heck of it, but all I want down in this d----ed cave is a simple life of complex pleasures. (Of course, I also want to pry this world open and examine its innards, but no one cares about that when they’re drunk).
In any case, in real life, I enjoy books (favorite authors: Haruki Murakami, William Gibson, Terry Pratchett), Japanese cartoons (of the JJBA ilk), a fairly eclectic range of music, a decent variety of video games, Indian food, roleplaying, learning random facts about subjects for their own sake (Buddhism, the ICRC, parasites, etc), and being mildly obnoxious on the internet. If you’re looking for a self described “chill person” to mentor or just skimmed all this, I’m your guy.
However, I’m not the right man to ask about riddles, to be honest.

How to meet an Extraordinary Mind in a place like Fallen London? I have roamed this city for some time now and during one of my Archaeological expeditions I noticed a great desire to reflect on the occurrences that I have encountered.

Where does one meet those who can smile upon this humble little but growing mind and provide some signs indicating the shortcuts or interesting paths of life?

Let us have some coffee, play some chess and see if guidance can be given.

I have heard rumors of fools who occasionally find themselves wanting to do something… &quotcharitable.&quot i hope to benefit from this. My skills, unmolested by apparel or accomplice, are as follows.

Shadowy 86
Dangerous 73
Persuasive 36
Watchful 29

I am currently spending my time training myself so that i may slay Feducci. While Shadowy is my one true love, that awful dame who keeps insissting i must become &quotSomeone Importance&quot has taken it upon herself that i must become skilled in every branch in order to benefit from several contacts which she can offer me. I am looking for someone who is willing to train me in Watchful. In exchange i can get you into many, many places where one wouldnt normally be allowed into. Once you help me rid myself of this annoying damsel, we shall part ways, and you will become one of the only 2 buildings that i will not strip of any valuables.
Thank You, have a nice day, Hide you Children and modern art, For i am coming.

Lord Porkins

P.S. I presume you attained this letter from my assistant, Snout Chopski. Please ignore his slight odor, and if he asks for payment simply backhand him and send him out.
edited by LordPorkins on 5/20/2016

Hello, possible patrons of Fallen London! I’m having trouble raising dangerous on one character, because she is absolutely not the sort to tromp about in the dirt, get into fistfights, eradicate monster menaces, &c. She is a flighty, bohemian sort, very much into the affairs of court, honey dreams, luxury, making art, and waking up in strange beds, none of which are particularly likely to get you through the early stages of Watchmaker’s Hill. Because eventually you really have to raise your dangerous, I developed this romantic notion of her growing up a little, deepening her revolutionary streak, and being trained in fencing by tomb colonists (one has to find something to do when exiled yet again, after all), but while that provides me an in-character reason for her to gain dangerous, I still don’t really have any way to justify doing the Making Your Name actions. So – would anyone be available for some &quotfencing&quot training? Here she is:

Watchful 69
Shadowy 55
Dangerous 36
Persuasive 89

I’m having a similar trouble with my forums namesake – Delightingale is exactly the sort to get into punch-ups, but is also very much on the side of the law. This one is a little easier, because I can grind Topsy King actions, but I suspect I’m going to eventually run out of steam on those. I managed to come up with some rather dodgy justifications about knowing your enemy or breaking into someone’s house in order to achieve some greater legal good, but it was all pretty bleh, so if there’s someone about looking to help with shadowy that would also be great.

Watchful 78
Shadowy 58
Dangerous 78
Persuasive 59


Relatively new to FL, and brand new to the forums, but wondered if I could get some assistance with any of my stats?

My stats are

Watchful 64
Shadowy 57
Dangerous 92
Persuasive 67

As I said above, any assistance would be appreciated, but I’m really struggling to bring my Shadowy up at the moment and would especially like to improve my Persuasive.

Thanks in advance

L E Sykes
edited by bracelet on 5/22/2016
edited by bracelet on 5/22/2016
edited by bracelet on 5/22/2016
edited by bracelet on 5/29/2016

I am Acharn, searching for a patron that is An Extraordinary Mind (I need to increase my watchful). I am a dangerous and watchful gentleman, and I am desperately trying to avenge the death of my lover. I am trying to become a POSI in watchful, but it seems to be stuck. Any help would be much appreciated.

My Stats Are
Watchful: 77
Shadowy: 44
Dangerous: 70
Persuasive: 50

Hi I am minor poet NiteBrite and my persuasive is currently 27. I’m looking to level it up to 150 again so that I can get to renown rubberymen 25. I’m on a quest to get every companion that its possible for me to get, and unfortunately having lost all of my persuasive to poor choices has finally caught up to me.

If you are a legendary charisma and feel like helping me re-level by sending persuasive lessons let me know. I believe already being a PoSI will not hinder my ability to become a protege. Second chance social actions for confident smiles are also welcome.


Greetings, fine ladies and fellows! I’m currently seeking a patron of Invisible Eminence. I consider myself a master of subtlety, but there’s always someone against whom one’s skills should be measured… I am seeking that particular someone! My name is Vuur, and while I am currently counted among the silkiest conversationalists in my admittedly small circle, I am woefully lacking in other areas!

Thank you kindly for your consideration.

Watchful 69
Shadowy 53
Dangerous 64
Persuasive 73

I would be delighted to find An Invisible Eminence who is willing to be my patron, since I am pursuing the Light Fingers ambition and would like to increase my Shadowy. But I would happily accept a patron in a different area as well.
edited by Cerussite on 6/2/2016
edited by Cerussite on 6/3/2016
edited by Cerussite on 6/5/2016
edited by Cerussite on 6/5/2016
edited by Cerussite on 6/6/2016
edited by Cerussite on 6/15/2016
edited by Cerussite on 6/19/2016

Once, I dreamed I would know. I would write life itself. I sought tutelage from takuza in the ways of the mind; I meditated on the thousand-fold thought; I watched.

During our acquaintance, my ‘patron’ has subtly insinuated that I am not, in actual fact, the greatest author in the Neath. Incredible Mind, my fanny!

I seek a Legendary Charisma to supplement this pretender, a quiet place to write, and blackmail material. I would prefer to have M. takuza murdered by that is d_mnably difficult to ensure, I’m told.

W - 72
S - 21
D - 44
P - 78

I arrived in the Neath and originally planned to remain an upstanding and seemly citizen, a minor misunderstanding involving Newgate aside. After a time of cheerfully working with the Constables and making a place for myself among high society, I am coming to understand that certain powers may have intentions that surpass mere selfishness and escalate into maliciousness. I have since taken to collecting ravens, as I understand they eat bats and might perhaps also have some utility in regards to confounding ‘bat-like things’. In working towards achieving a certain freedom through darkness, I continue to make my own preparations but could use an education in the arts of skullduggery and stealth. I am prepared to be of whatever use a protégé can be in exchange for the patronage of an Invisible Eminence.

My current skills:
Watchful - 87
Shadowy - 54
Dangerous - 76
Persuasive - 84

In keeping with the original traditions of this exchange, my favorite riddle:
&quotWhy is a raven like a writing desk?&quot
While there are many answers, I definitely do prefer one over the rest.
This post is up-to-date as of: 6/5/2016
edited by Nerium on 6/5/2016