Greetings friends,
First off, yes my name does not fit Fallen London at all, but it’s my general gaming name and I didn’t think things through when I first registered. If I ever get 15 fate… I’ll still not change it because I’d rather get new content.
Ahem With that out of the way, I am currently seeking a shadowy patron. Here are my stats:
Watchful: 113
Shadowy: 89
Dangerous: 54
Persuasive: 104
I am an esteemed scholar, who believes knowledge is the key to ultimate power. Not that there’s any real reason I’d need much power, but it’s nice to have.
That said, obtaining influence and leverage in the less academic circles of society is also nice, and can get you some very nice things; with this in mind, I occasionally debase myself by mingling with the frivolous nobles and other palace-dwellers. To further my standing, I even had to have a few romances in my time! Can you imagine! Needless to say, I have only kept minimum contact necessary to upkeep my network after these affairs, and any mementos are going on sale as soon as a lucrative opportunity presents itself.
If possible, I choose the path of greatest gain in all circumstances. For instance, despite my disdain for the creatures, I have had a few dealings with devils, for the goods they supply come in handy at times. I have also on occasion participated in rather questionable and discreet ventures, usually to… ahem obtain… some much-needed funds, for my academic and other endeavours. That said, that is by no means my main occupation; at the same time, shadowy qualities certainly help in the gathering of secrets, which are valuable to me, which is why I would be grateful for a kind patron to further my skills in this area.
What else to say?.. I am fascinated by the Masters, as well as the Correspondence and the Bazaar, though these latter should come as no surprise. I have good connections in the Church, and pride myself on my austerity. My occupation makes me a frequent visitor to the Mirror-Marshes, and despite their ever-shifting nature I believe I have come to know them quite well. /You may also have noticed that in a fight, I am no more dangerous than a drunk rubbery man; indeed, I do not like to engage in physical activities first-hand. It is always so much more convenient to learn of a better, more discreet way to achieve my goals, or if that fails, call in a favour with some of my acquaintances - yes, I have contacts even among the criminals and revolutionaries, for this very purpose./ Never mind, I decided to skip on character building and just enjoy the content, so I’m training Dangerous too now.
If you should choose to become my patron, I am convinced we can achieve a mutually beneficial relationship,
Yours faithfully,
Dudebro Pyro
(On second thought, signing letters and messages with this is so awkward that I might just get 15 fate for a do-over.)
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 5/25/2016