Heeeeello, delicious friends. This humble enquirer is looking to improve his lackluster skills, if there are any willing patrons around. Stats:
Watchful - 50
Shadowy -34
Dangerous - 46
Persuasive - 38
At the moment i would prioritise the direction towards Extraordinary Mind, but any other experts are also welcome! Thank you very much and good luck in the Neath!
edited by junkseer on 4/1/2016
I am fairly new to the game and i am seeking a patron, im not much into roleplay i just enjoy the stories and collecting the items. If anyone could help me out with being my patron i would appreciate the help. I am active and will assist with missions and help with nightmares and such, and send gifts when i can.
I would like to increase my Dangerous stat. Or A Shattering Force [Dangerous].
My Stats are
Watchful: 61
Shadowy: 40
Dangerous: 60
Persuasive: 45
Thank you in advance.
Dearest and most Delicious Friends,
I am specifically seeking a patron in Shadowy as it tends to fall much behind my other stats and I tend to be quite awful at stealing things for whatever reason. Perhaps wonderlandkat feels poorly about it, she tends to try to be kind and helpful whenever possible and think best of everyone if whenever possible. She would probably only enjoy stealing from thieves, but the evil kind who want all the gold, not those who are hungry or inclined to feed the peckish. (and not the silver, what if you should be making yourself a cup of coffee and have nothing to stir the milk in with?)
My current stats are:
Watchful, 88
Shadowy, 83 (sigh)
Dangerous, 87
Persuasive, 92
I am quite happy to help out in any way I can, be it playing chess, hearing nightmares, sending strangely meowing boxes, and the like. I like playing in character but I am certainly open to friends who prefer not to.
Thank you so kindly for your consideration
Fellow souls,
Greetings. I’m not particularly sure how it came to this. A few weeks ago, I was an officer in Queen Victoria’s service, recovering from wounds taken in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and looking to finally mend my ways with my family. Now I’m here in this accursed place, where nothing seems to make sense whatsoever. I’m good in any sort of conflict, be it with rifles or words, but this cloak-and-dagger stuff is not my forte. I seek out a patron who can speedily instruct me on the finer arts of the shadows, as I will obviously need those skills in abundance here. I am currently staying in a poor widow’s guest-room until I can establish my own lodgings; please call on me there.
Alaron- Formerly Chas. Augustus Goodfellow
(W19 S17 D43 P22, http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/profile/Alaron)
edited by Alaron on 4/4/2016
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Greetings fellow souls of unknown gender (and those who’ve sold their souls as well)[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Welcome in my humble Smoky Flophouse. Don’t mind Sherlock, my Maverick Bloodhound, he usually doesn’t bite and is quite usefull in keeping the rats away. Insolent creatures![/color][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]But allow me to introduce myself: The name’s Elizabeth Fleming. [/color]I am a Delicious lady who keeps some questionable acquaintances with Hell and the revolutionaries. What can I say, they tickle my fancy. [/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Nevertheless, it was suggested to me to find a more suited Patron to guide me in any field they excel at. [/color][/color]
My abilities are:
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Watchful: 64[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy: 60[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Dangerous: 55[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Persuasive: 81[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]My profile: [/color][color=#c2c2c2]http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Elizabeth~Fleming[/color]
edited by Elizabeth Fleming on 4/6/2016
Lady Chiltern is completely new to Fallen London (although she does have close associates sailing on the zee). She is still in the process of getting completely overwhelmed by everything in London, since her only knowledge of London before this was limited to letters about the Neath and the Admiralty.
She is looking for a Patron to generously tutor her in Mirrors.
uh, that is, Watchful.
[EDIT: currently under patronage, thank you!]
edited by Chiltern on 4/8/2016
I have found a Legendary Charisma, but I am still in search of an Invisible Eminence to tutor me in the ways of Shadowy. My current Shadowy remains only a paltry 42, so I clearly have some training to do.
[quote=Sibre]It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of undeveloped talent, must be in want of a patron. So it is with me. As you can see from my statistics below, I’m focusing on my Persuasiveness - perhaps because that is my weakest spot in my aboveground life. In any event, Patrons of every stripe are welcome, though my current ambition is for a Legendary Charisma, which I one day aspire to be. Please consider allowing me to become your protegé.
Watchful: 62
Shadowy: 27
Dangerous: 12
Persuasive: 79
My profile: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Sibre[/quote]
Fresh Out of Prison Mister Kasheran is looking for a knowledgeable patron to guide him in the ways of the Underground, Mainly looking for someone with talents of a shadowy nature.
(Really bad at Rp i apologize… Also know very little about this game at the moment. I am slowly piecing some things together and so far enjoy the game.)
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Greetings, the most Delicious Friends in the Neath and wherever else you may be[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I am Cayner, a captivating and crafty lady. I am a relatively new citizen of Fallen London and I am looking for someone that could help me in advancing my skills any of them really but namely, Shadowy and Dangerous. If any of you fine people of the Neath would be willing to take me in as your protégé, then I would be forever indebted to you, I would be more than happy to join you in any quest, help you with matters of society and scandal or anything else that you could possibly need me to help you with.[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]My stats at the current moment are[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Watchful 60[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy 58[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Dangerous 51[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Persuasive 75[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]For anyone that would be willing to take me in as a protégé, I thank you in advance and for those of you that aren’t willing then I thank you anyhow for spending some of your precious time reading this message and I would appreciate it tremendously if you would add me to your contacts, I look forward to making your acquaintance.[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Yours Sincerely,[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Lady Cayner of the Neath[/color]
No longer looking for patrons at present, thank you for your assistance!
Dearest fellows of dark deeds and haunting silent melodies,
I am seeking a patron to help me build a legendary charisma.
My statisitcs:
Watchful 35
Shadowy 25
Dangerous 50
Persuasive 48
I would require that my patron be willing to accompany me down the road with green fairy.
Humbly Yours,
Dr. Marmaduke Maxwell Pettifoggetter
edited by Dr. Marmaduke Maxwell Pettifogetter on 4/18/2016
I currently have dangerous 5, persuasive 29, shadowy 46, and watchful 9. I’m focusing on shadowy right now, so that or persuasive would be best, but I would definitely like a mentor in the other two.
[quote=Elizabeth Fleming][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Greetings fellow souls of unknown gender (and those who’ve sold their souls as well)[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Welcome in my humble Smoky Flophouse. Don’t mind Sherlock, my Maverick Bloodhound, he usually doesn’t bite and is quite usefull in keeping the rats away. Insolent creatures![/color][/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]But allow me to introduce myself: The name’s Elizabeth Fleming. [/color]I am a Delicious lady who keeps some questionable acquaintances with Hell and the revolutionaries. What can I say, they tickle my fancy. [/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Nevertheless, it was suggested to me to find a more suited Patron to guide me in any field they excel at. [/color][/color]
My abilities are:
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Watchful: 64[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy: 60[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Dangerous: 55[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Persuasive: 81[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]My profile: [/color][color=#c2c2c2]http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Elizabeth~Fleming[/color]
edited by Elizabeth Fleming on 4/6/2016[/quote]
Hello! Extraordinary Mind here–are you still looking for patrons?
I’m not new to London, but I am new to this neck of the woods, however.
I’ve been honing my skills relatively evenly over an on and off time in London and the Bazaar, but I have difficulty gaining improvements in Shadowy for some odd reason. Perhaps on not spending the right time in the Flit. Be that as it may, I’m looking for a patron for Shadowy.
My abilities are:
Watchful - 106
Shadowy - 87
Dangerous - 93
Persuasive - 92
Myself? I’m a Hellfarer, and Infernal Informant; I’ve sold my soul when I chose to keep on dangerously familiar terms with the denizens of the Brass Embassy. And I spend my off times in the throw of people at the Bohemian Demi-monde, as well as earning the Scars on My Person by dueling at Wolfstack docks.
I would appreciate a patron in the Shadowy area, and put forth an invite to those requiring watchful.
A wonderful starless night to you! I am Aylward Strange, serial dabbler. Looking for A Shattering Force. [Dangerous]
You see, I consider myself an artist - of what, you may ask? Well, all things of course! I like to put my own gracious spin on every situation, and in this particular case I am tired of the tedious narrative. I wish to shake things up, and live the moment as opposed to directing it. Below, I submit to you my current, status, as it were.
Watchful - 37
Shadowy - 31
Dangerous - 21
Persuasive - 41
I implore you to bring me on as your protégé, as you will find me a formidable ally.
(no surname, it seems)
Dr. Marmaduke Maxwell Pettifogetter
(I tried several combinations of his name and none of it work)
A reminder: please include a link to your character profile if looking for patrons!
It tends to become a guessing game for user names most of the time, especially the longer and more flamboyant names.
Even if your player name does match up with the one on the forum, a link will still be appreciated. Make it easier for patron to contact you.
[I am not taking proteges for the moment.]
I want to thank you so much for all your assistance! Yesterday, I finally got Persuasive and Dangerous to 100 (without equips). I would like to thank all kind patrons that helped me on that. You are super!
I’m still 80-something in shadowy, but screw shadowy.
For some time now ragged parts of linen cloth have appeared stapled to advertising columns in the streets and pinned to boards in shady pub entrances. Scriveled on them is always the same text:
"seeking patronage - consider it an investment in a future valuable ally. meet me at the sideshows of the carnival. n."
For the time being it seemed that nobody has cared about somebody, who as rumors go has no qualms about doing unsavoury tasks if they are what is called for. Those who have spoken with Nergüi think the accent indicates somebody from the fourth city or from the far far east.
This is for my alternate character I recently started, Nergüi, a person of unknown gender, keeping himself usually wrapped in rags, though some say that Nergüi is very good in disguising.
Nergüi’s stats
Watchful - 74
Shadowy - 83
Dangerous - 76
Persuasive - 72
Help is appreciated for all stats, though more so for persuasive and watchful than for shadowy or dangerous.
edited by DerGreif on 4/25/2016
Greetings, my fellow Neath-dwellers! My name is Florence Garrison; I have only recently arrived in this most glorious city, with the intentions of studying its many secrets. The sheer magnitude of phenomena that can only be found here boggles the mind! And, as it were, prevents one from sleeping much.
Now, I would greatly appreciate the patronage of one possessing a singularly watchful mind; increasing my Watchful stat seems a prudent course of action if I wish to complete my research. In return, I would be more than willing to share my results. My current stats are as follows:
Watchful: 38
Shadowy: 21
Dangerous: 9
Persuasuve: 29
I hope that we can arrange a mutually beneficial partnership!
Update 4/26/2016- My, what a quick response! How kind! I no longer seek a patron, having been taken under the wing of one exceptional individual.
edited by ForScience on 4/26/2016
Hej all, I’m going to make it simple: I’m seeking patronage in Shadowy, or Watchful. Perhaps in the English language as well.
My stats:
Watchful 95
Shadowy 88
Dangerous 111
Persuasive 89
My profile:
Many thanks! I was away from Fallen London for a long while but returned a couple of weeks ago. It is an interesting feeling picking up the pieces I have left over.