Problem loading template error

It seems to be a bit sporadic, but is anyone else seeing a lot of these errors at the moment?

I have, mostly in playing non-FL Storynexus games, but it also occurred when I tried to access my SN account page from FL. I’m not sure if it’s my browser; clearing the cache did nothing to solve the problem, and it occurred on different computers for me.
edited by Rackenhammer on 8/8/2014

Same here, occurring on Firefox and Chrome, before and after cache-clearing. Happens on all the Storynexus games I play, other than FL.

[color=#C2B280]Sorry about this; Henry’s on holiday today, but we’ll see what we can do next week.[/color]

Thanks for the update, Flyte. I was getting worried that I may have broken something. :D

I’m seeing a huge improvement already. That template loading issue was crippling–it rendered anything but FL essentially unplayable. Which was sad! But now–well, I wasn’t expecting such a quick fix. Big thanks for that.

Aye, all seems to be working again :)

Indeed, it is all working now for me as well.

Thanks for the quick fix.

I’m having this problem again right now. Need to refresh continuously to play. Chrome, fox the same.

It seems very stable to me at the moment, oddly enough! I’ve not encountered that particular error in months and months. Odd…