Primaeval Hints and Ravens.

Interesting. That would make said Raven on the same tier as an Ocular Toadbeast. In fact, given the +1 Dangerous it would be superior to an Ocular Toadbeast. Fascinating.
edited by friendshipranger on 1/26/2013

Yes, it is an alternate branch. I just got the kindness of ravens card, and there are two options on it.

Feed your raven on Rumours - “Rumours are the Carrion of Conversation.” Perhaps so. If it consumes enough gossip, its feathers will darken, and it’ll become a cunning criminal confederate. Feeding your Raven on Rumours will gradually make it more Shadowy, but only a little Watchful.

Feed your raven on Mysteries - Your Raven Advisor has asked unexpected questions about the Elder Continent, and the Garden. What is it that it desires? Feeding your Raven on Mysteries will gradually make it more Watchful, and a little Persuasive besides.

I’m thinking +1 Watchful instead of +1 Dangerous for the Shadowy path.

[quote=Tesuji]This is a pretty big step, inasmuch as we now have the first Tier 6 item able to be made from lower-tier items. Makes me wonder whether we’re going to start to see more of the unknown Tier 6 items, and gain the ability to convert upwards to them.

Taking a quick look at some other items, I see one other added storylet. Using the Diary of the Dead (Tier 6 Infernal item) now allows you to make a “Wary Raven Advisor” more Shadowy.[/quote]

The Fourth City Airag can also be converted from its respective Tier 5 item, though via card and not direct use.

[quote=Aspeon][quote=Tesuji]This is a pretty big step, inasmuch as we now have the first Tier 6 item able to be made from lower-tier items. Makes me wonder whether we’re going to start to see more of the unknown Tier 6 items, and gain the ability to convert upwards to them.

Taking a quick look at some other items, I see one other added storylet. Using the Diary of the Dead (Tier 6 Infernal item) now allows you to make a “Wary Raven Advisor” more Shadowy.[/quote]

The Fourth City Airag can also be converted from its respective Tier 5 item, though via card and not direct use.[/quote]

If you don’t mind my asking, any news as to what the Airbag gets used to upgrade, or is upgraded to?

I believe he’s referring to the Presumptuous Opportunity card which allows you to convert 5 entire cellars of wine into a single bottle of the Airag.
No word yet on what it would take to make an Airbag, though. It would make traveling with the Mercies a much less anxious experience.

This is capital news! On a side note, I can’t believe how excited I am ever a simple Tier unlock…

For those curious, a Wary Raven Advisor is upgraded to an Unscrupulous Raven Advisor at Shadowy +3, Watchful +1, mirroring the highest Shadowy pet available.
In addition, contrary to my previous post it is ‘Advisor’ and not ‘Adviser.’ The Guardian Stylebook trumps my AP Stylebook in Fallen London.

Interesting interesting! Now, the question is, can one have both super-ravens?

Probably! You’d just have to draw the Kindness of Ravens card again.

One, specifically Nathan can.

[color=#ffffcc]EDIT: Oh, and sweet mother of mercy in Heaven, the Unscrupulous Raven is black. Black as a chimney sweep, I tell you! How did this come to pass‽[/color]
edited by Nigel Overstreet on 1/26/2013

Must be the ink.

Lovely. Now I can stop toting around that Toadbeast. Not that Dotty isn’t a dear, but those eyes are simply unsettling.

Brilliant! Once I have Raven in hand, I can finally abandon my Haunted-looking Dog in search for a Salt Weasel. I always thought it off how one Rare pet was better than the others, having nothing better than it than the mighty and expensive Overgoat.[/quote]

I’m somewhat in the opposite situation - I always regretted having got the salt Weasel first and I was thinking of dumping her to look for the Dog, but in the end I liked the Weasel and I didn’t want to get rid of it. Now I won’t have to ^^

So, it seems there’s another step beyond the Philosophical Raven. It would appear my raven is part phoenix.

Bah, i’m short an antique mystery. how inconvenient
I’m guessing it gives +4 watchful?
edited by Spacemarine9 on 1/28/2013

Another step for the Unscrupulous Raven, too.

hm. well that’s something.
I’ve yet to actually get a wary raven, but feeding a second Hint (and some other stuff) to the philosophical raven is… interesting.

Huh! Well, at this point, as the philosopher Wyclef Jean put it, anything can happen.

Indeed, such delicious possibilities! Though, I shall not take that literally. Would be quite an expensive omelet.
edited by Urthdigger on 1/28/2013

Quite a delicious omelette though. And you’d probably gain some great insights into cooking from it.
i wonder how long this is going to take, though

maybe it’ll be an overgoat
edited by Spacemarine9 on 1/28/2013