(possible spoiler) About Merchant Venturer...

Okay, so I’ve been looking for some specific information regarding the Merchant Venturer. If I complete all his quests, go to the Avid Horizon and pass through (just got the Searing Enigma needed), will my game simply end? I know you get a Horizon Codex, but does the game regard passing through as a loss (i.e., you get a lineage quality)? Been wanting to due a no-death family for a while now, but since it doesn’t seem to reward any trophy qualities I figured I’d to know first.

Passing through the gate will set your crew to 0, which will result in a simple death, you can always increase the dawn machine supremacy to 7 before ending your game in a normal way as well to get the horizon codex.

Word of warning, having the Codex prevents you from passing through the gate. So if you do the Dawn Machine supremacy first, kiss the gate goodbye unless you begin a new family tree of captains.

Not that I’m bitter or anything.

Yeah, I figured as much. Luckily I started with the Luxuru ambition first so… gotte get Dawn to 7 and then retire with three new legacies for my second captain. Thanks!

Edit: here, have a fishy stick:

edited by CaptainIglo on 11/13/2016

You can still go to the gate and hand those materials over though. You don’t miss out on anything but a bit of story which you can read up later if you’re so inclined

Another question, since this thread is still somewhat active: if I get a Legacy item for a certain stat (say, Veils) and then decide to pass on this stat to my heir, will the bonuses stack cumulatively? Like, I have 110 Veils, will I have 55 + 25 = 80 starting Veils or just 25 + the 25 from the legacy item?

Your heir will inherit whichever bonus is higher. So, in that example, they’ll have 55 starting Veils.

That’s good to know. Dunno how I’ve managed to play this long without ever figuring out the exact mechanics beyond it… this only takes base stats into account, right? Like, I’m free to sell my dreadnaught before retiring without missing out on the iron bonus or anything like that?

Stat bonuses from your ship, ship equipment, and officers are not part of each captain’s base stats. You’re free to sell everything without worry.

This is incorrect. I maxed out Mirrors and Veils on my last captain (base 200), and my current captain started with 125 for both stats.

This is incorrect. I maxed out Mirrors and Veils on my last captain (base 200), and my current captain started with 125 for both stats.[/quote]

I believe the starting amount for each stat passed down is the sum of the base 25, any legacy bonuses, and half the previous captain’s stats over that amount.

For your example, the new captain would then start with 125 Mirrors: 25 base + 25 legacy + (200-50)/2 = 125

For comparison, if a captain passed down 200 Pages with both Pages legacy items: 25 base + 35 legacy + (200-60)/2 = 130

In CaptainIglo’s original example, it would still be 80 starting Veils: 25 base + 25 legacy + (110-50)/2 = 80

This is incorrect. I maxed out Mirrors and Veils on my last captain (base 200), and my current captain started with 125 for both stats.[/quote]

I believe the starting amount for each stat passed down is the sum of the base 25, any legacy bonuses, and half the previous captain’s stats over that amount.

For your example, the new captain would then start with 125 Mirrors: 25 base + 25 legacy + (200-50)/2 = 125

For comparison, if a captain passed down 200 Pages with both Pages legacy items: 25 base + 35 legacy + (200-60)/2 = 130

In CaptainIglo’s original example, it would still be 80 starting Veils: 25 base + 25 legacy + (110-50)/2 = 80[/quote]
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 11/20/2016

I was under the impression that it was max(25, stat/2) + legacy. Before I had all the legacies I definitely remember that I got no bonus if the inherited stat was below 50.

You know what happens if, just before leaving a London safely delivered over by the Dawn Machine, with the Merchant Venturer safely abroad for one last journey, Mr Sacks has the unmitigated hilarity to demand a favour?

You get a Master taken North, that’s what.

That was a lot funnier than the FL equivalent.