PoSI: Different types?

Greetings, fellow Londoners.
I’ve recently resumed my adventures in the Neath, on the streets of London. I’ve reached the point where I’m able to pursue my goal of becoming a Person of Some Importance, and it seems that there are 4 different types of Importance available.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find an exact description of the differences between the types. I currently have the Dangerous and Shadowy one unlocked for me — I’ve managed to become a Procuror of Savage Beasts while farming Dangerous for the PoSI prerequisites. I’m also a Master Thief, same story here — accomplished this while raising my Shadowy to 100.

So, back to the topic. Could anyone please explain me what are the differences between the 4 PoSI types, and is it possible to change this type later on? What exactly does it affect?

I’d be eternally grateful for any information provided.
Your Neathly Friend,

At stat-levels 100, you’ll only become a &quotgeneral&quot POSI.

The specializations are chosen at 200.

So, you’ll have some time to decide yet. But once you’ve picked a specialization, changing it isn’t currently possible.

The only thing it effects atm is what kind of patron you can become: e.g. you choose the Dangerous specialization, you’ll be able to help new players (&quotproteges&quot) raise their Dangerous.
edited by phryne on 6/21/2016

[quote=phryne]At stat-levels 100, you’ll only become a &quotGeneral&quot POSI.

The specializations are chosen at 200.[/quote]

Thank you for the answer. Does this mean the current choice I have is irrelevant? If so, I’d pick the Shadowy one right away, but I’d prefer to become known as a Correspondence seeker.

[quote=Lilem][quote=phryne]At stat-levels 100, you’ll only become a &quotGeneral&quot POSI.

The specializations are chosen at 200.[/quote]

Thank you for the answer. Does this mean the current choice I have is irrelevant? If so, I’d pick the Shadowy one right away, but I’d prefer to become known as a Correspondence seeker.[/quote]
Not sure what you mean with &quotcurrent choice&quot? The Barrister will need you to have all four stats at 100, checking one after the other (not sure in which order).

Yes, and I already achieved that. The choice I currently have is this one: http://puu.sh/pzMV8/fe14834eee.png

Ah yes, that’s indeed irrelevant! ;)
edited by phryne on 6/20/2016

Great news!
Thank you so much :)

[quote=phryne]At stat-levels 100, you’ll only become a &quotGeneral&quot POSI.

The specializations are chosen at 200.

So, you have some time to decide. But once you’ve picked a specialization, changing it isn’t currently possible.

The only thing it effects atm is what kind of Patron you can become: e.g. you choose the Dangerous specialization, you’ll be able to help new players (&quotProteges&quot) raise their Dangerous.
edited by phryne on 6/20/2016[/quote]
Also which stat you can overcap at the cost of [all your notability] for [# notability levels in stats].

Is there some kind of recommendation? I mean, to each their own, but each stat supposes a distinct type of gameplay and stories. I personally didn’t connect with the Dangerous storyline. Watchful and Persuasive were much more engaging for me.

Is there some kind of recommendation? I mean, to each their own, but each stat supposes a distinct type of gameplay and stories. I personally didn’t connect with the Dangerous storyline. Watchful and Persuasive were much more engaging for me.[/quote]
Well, there aren’t many things that overcapping will make a big difference on.

overcapping, when paired with an appropriate destiny, is the only way to get renown 50 (which requires the stat, with gear, to be 294) for most stats: the only exception is watchful, which i believe can be done with neither destiny nor fate nor overcapping- if you have that most legendary of goats, the ubergoat. All others require either destiny, overcapping, or both- mostly both. [This may change in future- renown 25 gear seems likely to be best-in-slot for non-fate gear, and the only renown 40 gear we’ve seen is largely better than even competing fate gear- which makes sense, but may open renown 50 to all players in time.]

With the exception of that and getting SoTC 21, I’m not sure what is actually useful.

every stat has at least one challenge where more points would help.

persuasive has at least two interesting flirtations or seductions locked only for those who specialize in it, like flirting with the amanuensis.

All the options are good, but some aren’t best.

Ah, 'tis as I thought. However, I’m still torn between the Watchful and the Persuasive &quotalignments&quot. Exclusive flirting is good; so is the Correspondence.

High Watchful is probably the most useful mechanically, since you need it to attain the highest levels of Scholar of the Correspondence or to have a decent chance at bringing an Impossible Theorem to ground first try.

According to the wiki, watchful has the largest number of really high challenges (see the bottom of each page), but there certainly won’t be enough of a difference to override whatever sounds the coolest. Don’t risk your engagement with your character by just going straight for mechanical boni. In the end, the whole game is text on a screen, so don’t be misled by thinking that what matters is getting the biggest numbers. What matters is what the text evokes in you. If you think that Watchful sounds great, it will be. Because it’s you that thinks so. The same goes for Persuasive and the others too.